those were the variables i was looking at, ill play with them again and see what i can do, here is what I was working with before. I have changed the script quite a bit to try different things. I assumed weapon pool was ammo as a whole? but then i checked to see if weapon slot ( what i assumed was the players slot buttons 1 - 10) my script was blank i had already set it up to do somethign else lol.... sorry... I'll put it in anyways...If i get off work tommorow at a decent hour ill fill in the if g_KeyPressedE.
-- LUA Script - precede every function and global member with lowercase name of script + '_main'
-- Default script - does nothing.
local add_ammo = AddPlayerAmmo(50)
function supply_drop_init(e)
function supply_drop_main(e)
pdist = GetPlayerDistance(e)
if pdist <= 80 then
Prompt("Press E to Resupply")
if g_KeyPressE == 1 and pdist <= 80 then
--to come tommorow
--### If your not using my inventory you have to delete from here ###
if g_marks_inv == true then
if g_medkits < 10 then
g_medkits = 10
Prompt("You cant get anymore medkits.")
if g_flashlight_battery < 10 then
g_flashlight_battery = 10
Prompt("You cant hold any more batteries.")
elseif g_marks_inv == nil then
Prompt("Go get marks inventory system to!")
--### TO HERE #######################################################
function add_ammo(e,n)
e = g_Entity[e]
n = AddPlayerAmmo(50)
Markchapman10 is my Skype let's have some dev talk.