Hello Guru's! .......it's been a while I know.....Good to see you all!
Anyhooo.....One of my fav's in my gaming years ( all the way back to "Breakout" & "Pong") I loved a game called "688 AttackSub" by those "Genesis" guy's/Gal's...You know who I'm talking about???.....right? ....I cant exactly remember there company name but I think it was like "Sonic" of "HedgeHog's inc" ...I'm not exactly sure!...hmmmm
That being said! ....This aint no WIP!!! I want to do an online multiplayer Submarine Game where players can hunt/track/observe/communicate/create Ally's /form alliance's/ explore the uncharted ocean bottom/Attack & Concur ! ....and can go on-line and play this game anytime and find lots of other players to join them!
So my Vision is this.....1: 99% this is a "maneuver by your instruments only " Simulator Game as is what it would be in a Real- Time submarine!!!
2: in-Game Player MUST navigate as in a real time situations at Sea such as a Seaman MUST
(chart course /set-waypoint/ avoid Hazard/remain undetected)
3: Submarine should be able to surface and view the surface of the ocean
4: Players will need to Stalk there enemy's and Communicate with there Ally's
5: Players must maintain there Vessel's
6: Going to need scripts& models plus advise for / Torpedo's /Sonar/Audio/top-down-
maps/periscope.....,etc,etc,etc Submarine StuFF....!!
So My ????"S Now....How can I do these things??? I have a Very premature start (scr33ny b3low)! All are invited to join in and credit will be noted to those ! feel free to PM me for private conference's and feel free to post anything useful if you are willing to share with this community!
.....I appreciate all advice and donations! I have done my home work and I am TGC self educated !
Thanks for listening...I posted here because like I said this is not a WIP yet....I'm going to need help but I always finnish what I start....!!!
Processor: Intel(R) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz Installed memory (RAM): 16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable) System type: 64-bit Operating System,x64-based processor
Start the day by righting your wrongs then end you day right so you don't have to do it again tomorrow ...