I've been gone for a while on another project, but I kept up a little over the past few months.
I've been waiting for a set of LUA commands that allow the camera/player to be controlled like any other object.
Forward/back/up/down/turn right and left, as well as rotation for the other two axis.
also, the ability to continue moving forward with the ability to turn and look side to side without turning.
I have used the Transport To command which allows for movement (forward/back/left/right/up/down), but without the rotations, which falls short of what I want.
A few months back I saw a video of a submarine game that appeared to fulfill most of my requirements.
Can anyone steer me in the right direction (pun intended) for accomplishing my goals, or is it till too soon?
AMD 6300 6 core 3.5 ghz, Windows 8.1, 8GB ram, GTX 650 2GB ram