Firstly, many thanks! I am glad you like it.
I understood you want to play multiple animations, one at a time by pressing different keys on keyboard. Is that correct?
Anyway, the
runnergirl. Lua script, was made as a solution or answer for the query in the first post, only. However, since I believe you have a good knowledge of the Lua programming, and considering that the script is not so hard to understand it (it's simple! Easy to understand); it's not going to be a problem to you try to adapt it to solve your needs.
If after studying the script above, you find out difficulties to solve your problem, you may post your doubt in this thread. OK?
Below you have the link to download the file above mentioned, as well as, its password. Unfortunately the character shown in the video cannot be shared for copyright reasons, of course.
Password: 299c85bf3ffc3bd06c2157c698d5c604
Good luck!