Scripts / MOBA script

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Posted: 27th Jun 2016 15:38
Hey this is not a request more a question out of curiosity if someone ever did this or if people think it's posible.
Obviously to make a real MOBA you would need multiplayer but for now lets disregard this.

What the scripts would need to do:
Factions (obviously)
Wave spawning system

For levelling, stats etc. I think moshroom's scripts would do the work however they would need to be combined with the Factions and Spawning system.

I may have forgotten some important features in MOBA's so feel free to add those!
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Posted: 27th Jun 2016 15:57
I don't think it would be too hard once you've broken it down and thought through how the MOBA's typically play. The wave spawning thing is already possible thanks to smallg, I think factions have already been done by someone (forget the name, sorry!)

Really the only problem I see is making characters (or minions/creeps) attack buildings. You can already make characters follow a path and then attack the player, so that's not really a problem, I don't know how you would make the character choose whether to attack a player/creep/building.

I'm very interested in this so I will have a little experiment myself but this is better off in the hands of someone like smallg.
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Posted: 27th Jun 2016 18:15
Multiplayer might even be possible to some extent given the right set up, the basic idea of it would just be using the server to store all the real values and then the clients read those values rather than using the standard values (for health etc)
though im not 100% sure how well or even if Lua can access the file from a different PC? as all file handling i've seen in GG so far has been local.

the rest should be possible though it would require everything to be custom scripted and it certainly wouldn't be a quick project.
lua guide for GG
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i5 @4ghz, 8gb ram, AMD R9 200 series , directx 11
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Posted: 27th Jun 2016 19:08
Okay because have been working on a more PvE based MOBA with players focusing mostly on doing "dungeons" and killing neutral creeps to gain levels and weapons to fight the other team.

About the multiplayer thing i don't think it will work, i was working on a DayZ map with another guy i met through Gameguru and even when we both had the scripts it wouldn't work properly :/ So guess we have to wait for the standalone multiplayer or the free player app for it to work properly

Just really wished that a simple faction system was already in. As far as the buildings i didn't have plans to include that actually, since i saw that as too hard to implement
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Posted: 29th Jun 2016 15:36
Quote: "im not 100% sure how well or even if Lua can access the file from a different PC?"

it can be done using Lua Sockets but not a project for the faint hearted or inexperienced, its quite a massive undertaking for a single developer
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Posted: 29th Jun 2016 16:04
I'll chime in here: I get that you are influenced by/from the multiplayer games scene so I can tell you that "MOBA" or "PvE" aren't terms used in the single player world. PvE comes from the MMORPG scene which GG doesn't support
I don't fully understand what you are trying to do. Is it a single or multiplayer game you want to work on?

From what I understand you want to do: You want to spawn waves of enemies, presumably with increasing difficulties. You want the player to be able to level up and you want factions. I don't fully understand how factions are supposed to work in this arena type scenario but I think I can help you with spawning waves. (quoting from smallg)

Right click the enemies and name them all the same (I.e. wave1 for the enemies to spawn at the first trigger) then set them to spawn at start = no.
Now place a trigger zone somewhere on the map the player will reach first (resize it if needed) and set the name of the first wave enemies (in my example; wave1) in the ifused field of that zone.

Repeat the process using a different name for the next wave
(You will need to put the triggers in different areas or do some scripting to change when the triggers are activated if you want them to be in the same area - for a defend the position type map)

The main issue with doing this in GG is that you have to set up every enemy in the editor first (although its easy enough to extract and place multiples it will drop frame rate a lot) - there is no clone or create entity command via script

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