Scripts / Finality.

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2016 11:45
The last few things i want to know about ( I hope )
1- How can i change The Loading screen , Starting menu ? i know loading screen to be honest but i don't know how to change starting menu.

2- If i want for example when the player reaches the end of the game the game closes this level with a certain screen like the start menu but instead a one called Game Over or W/e just something like start menu but appears when he finishes that level. ?

3- A certain thing interesting to me about music is that .. Trigger zone for Music is always active, iam trying to make when the player reaches a trigger zone or a certain zone it Shuts down this Looping music so how ?
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2016 13:20

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2016 14:26
That's nice but i have few levels for my game so if i set track 1 for Music.lua and went on with your video, i suppose Any game that is created by me will be affected with this music ? since you said music.lua is global so it will affect any other script or level ?
I want only to use this for 1 or 2 levels for the most i don't want it affecting any other level.
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2016 14:46 Edited at: 23rd Jun 2016 14:48
Quote: "you said"

Not me, that's an official video from the twitch sessions by Lee the lead dev.

But, yes it would carry over levels because it is a global script.

However, you have two options...

1. You can add as many tracks as you want in the music.lua, you're not limited to just 4, so you just add more tracks in music.lua and then create and edit more of the track scripts, and use different track scripts in different levels.


2. You can force it to be local, by adding the music.lua script to an entity. So what you do is make multiple copies of the music script and name them music1.lua, music2.lua and so forth (don't forget to renaim the _main and _init lines to match) with different music in each script and place a different one in each level.

i5, NV960 2GB, 16GB memory, 2x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2016 14:48
I only need 1 for 1 level, So for that i create music1.lua and ofc i change Init and main inside, Then i attach that script for example as you do to an always active barrel ? Then i move on with the steps in your video ?
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2016 14:52
Sounds about right

i5, NV960 2GB, 16GB memory, 2x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2016 14:55
Perfect thank you.
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2016 16:31 Edited at: 24th Jun 2016 19:12
Is there is a way to make when a player Dies he gets carried to next level ?
Like for example a soldier killed the player in Level 1 , So that activates the next spawning position to the player in level 2.

And also the view range and angle are always set to 0 I think that's the highest view range .. anyway i could reduce it so they almost doesn't see me ?
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2016 17:57
am really sorry am asking so many questions .. am just trying to pull out a worthy to play game. sorry if iam being an annoying GG community member :/.
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Posted: 24th Jun 2016 18:52
assign this to an always active object = yes, static = no, put the name of the desired map in it's 'ifused' field
(and include a winzone with the same map name in it's own 'ifused' - if you dont want the win zone to be used then just place it somewhere the player cant reach or remove the script but it must be placed for the editor to know to copy over the map files)

you can adjust the view range of the models etc and it does work but i dont think it works with the default scripts as they use set values.
lua guide for GG
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Posted: 24th Jun 2016 19:04 Edited at: 24th Jun 2016 19:12
Thank you smalgg.
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Posted: 24th Jun 2016 19:38 Edited at: 24th Jun 2016 23:30

how do you create a script for animations.
i created that script below as a hopeless try to create some sort of animation and i would just rename the script and modify the animation number for each ai i spawned .. but i failed ... so can you please show me how to create a script for such animation tweaks .


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