Product Chat / A few quick questions

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Joined: 11th Nov 2011
Posted: 22nd Jun 2016 22:55 Edited at: 6th Jul 2019 21:44
Hello all my fellow Game Guru-ers.

Over the past few months I've been working on a game in another engine and as that project is slowly coming to a close I would like to satisfy my craving to dive into GG. It's weird, I felt the same with FPSC. I would take a break and then suddenly go full out into FPSC. This feeling has continued to GG. So instead of just lurking here and there and leaving a few comments, I felt it's time to do something with GG. Looking forward to seeing what new lua commands are available too. Anyway, enough of that and to my questions:

1. Is it currently possible to have two cameras rendered on the same screen (split screen)?
2. Can custom keys be assigned to control entities? Eg. Player 1 and Player 2?
3. How is support for game controllers?
4. Is multiplayer still reliant on owning a copy of GG and running it through Steam?

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2016 23:37
1. no, there is only the "player" camera
2. yes but you will need to script it yourself, there is no way to change default keys that i know of.
use something like
if GetScancode() == # then
(replace # with a number of the desired key, see attachment)
3. xbox controllers work but you can always use something like xpadder anyway
4. yes, multiplayer hasnt changed at all.
lua guide for GG
windows 10
i5 @4ghz, 8gb ram, AMD R9 200 series , directx 11


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