Scripts / Is this possible?

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Posted: 15th Jun 2016 18:02 Edited at: 15th Jun 2016 18:03
I wonder if the following is possible:
Show images from items i allready own or picked up on my Game Screen?

Sure i have to create this images my self.
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Posted: 15th Jun 2016 18:53

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Posted: 15th Jun 2016 22:21
Yes, it's definitely possible. You can make your own "inventory" system in LUA. You can create a pretty sophisticated system if needed. It's not required, but you might want to look into LUA tables(arrays).

Here's a small proof of concept:
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Posted: 15th Jun 2016 22:41 Edited at: 15th Jun 2016 22:49
wish i could do that lol.
But im learning lua. maybe im able to script something like that anytime.

If you created that Script on the Video, maybe you plan to sell it?
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Posted: 16th Jun 2016 00:13
I have seen your other thread about inventory scripts. I have no idea what scripts are available in the store, or even for free in this forum. As you now know, an inventory script that works well in one game, may not suffice for another.

I'm not trying to sell any scripts. I made this video only to demonstrate that what you asked about in this thread was possible, and easy to do with GG. This script can only pick up items, display a custom icon in an on screen inventory, and drop them. Each item also has it's own script. I think it's not suited to the type of game you are working on. I encourage you to continue learning to use LUA in GG. Player inventory is on the "Feature Vote" list - did you vote it up?

Before asking for someone to make a script, you may wish to clearly define exactly you want to achieve. You may have several different classes of items that will all behave differently. You indicated you want "storage" and "weapons". How many weapons will you be able to carry? Will you find need ammo for them? Will ammo boxes automatically add ammo to your weapons, or will they go to your inventory first and need to be used from there? Will your inventory only hold items, or do you need to be able to drop them and/or use them from your inventory? Will you have items like "food" or "medical kits" that will add health when used? Boxes of bullets to add ammo? A flashlight? A map? Keys to open doors? Maybe a crucifix to repel zombies, or rotten meat so zombies don't smell you? I would guess that you won't find an "off the shelf" script that is doing exactly what you want. If you're wanting an inventory where icons can be clicked on to bring up context menus, or dragged onto other items then you will probably need to define your classes of items and how they will behave, and share that information before anyone starts working on a script.

Having a complete A to Z plan isn't required to make a game in GG, but when unique game mechanics are desired, custom scripts are going to be involved and you can't plan too much.
Windows 10 Home 64-bit / Intel i5 2500k @ 4.4Ghz + Asetek 510LC / Intel DP67DE / Intel 530 Series 240GB SSD / 16GB Kingston KVR 1333 / XFX Radeon R9 380X / Corsair TX 650 / Antec 300

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