Scripts / Anyone interested in compasses?

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Posted: 12th Jun 2016 21:11
Fully functional (i.e. points north ) easily resizeable/repositionable, and simulates a proper compass in the way it moves.

Well I say it, 5 compass dial thingys, 2 backgrounds to simulate brass/gold edging and silver/tin so in all 10 different combinations as can be seen in attached image.

So the question is should I bother putting them in the store at a couple of dollars? Would anyone be interested or if not what would people be interested in?
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Posted: 13th Jun 2016 12:23 Edited at: 13th Jun 2016 12:23
The Metallic Blue Black one would be nice
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Posted: 13th Jun 2016 13:51
Quote: "should I bother putting them in the store"

Yes, I like them, send'em to the store
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Posted: 13th Jun 2016 13:56
Yes m8 stick em on will use one in my medieval game
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Posted: 13th Jun 2016 17:55
The brass looking ones could fit in nice with some of the air vehicles in cogwheel. So yes please put on store.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2016 18:15
Yes, please put them on the store.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2016 19:28
Submitted to the store, waiting for approval.

A bit of extra info for those interested, the metallic look is achieved by a simple background image, to further customise the look simply copy one of the background images and edit it in Gimp or similar.
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Posted: 20th Jun 2016 11:24
Hoorah, finally up on the store. I added 3 more backgrounds btw so there is even more variety possible.
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Posted: 20th Jun 2016 23:39
Well it was on the store, briefly. I put up a slight change to the Lua script to cater for a change in GG and it is back in 'waiting for approval' state!
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Posted: 27th Jun 2016 21:26
Now they are on the store!
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Posted: 27th Jun 2016 23:40
Nice one Amon, just picked them up.

Quick question, I want to have the compass disabled until I find it, i'm thinking of making a global flag "g_compass_flag", so I need to put:


Somewhere in the script.

I know to put the flag = 0 in the init, but where abouts in the main should I put the if and end lines?

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Posted: 28th Jun 2016 00:09
Probably the easiest way would be to use the Lua SwitchScript command, i.e. have an collectable entity as a trigger then have it switch scripts to the compass.lua script when you pick it up.

I haven't tested this but I assume when you switch scripts GG will run the init script first before running main for the first time.

I have discovered btw that if you repeatedly test a level then escape back to the editor and test it again the init script doesn't get run and the previous global variables do not get reset, I have been putting protective code in my scripts to detect this occurrence but it is something to take account of as it can result is some really strange behaviour.

If you need to turn the compass on and off by a key stroke then you will need to add some code to push the sprites off screen and put them back.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2016 20:08
Alternatively put this at the start of the main function:

if g_compass_flag == 1 then
<copy the SetSpritePositions calls from init function to here>
<copy SetSpritePosition calls here also but change values to 200,200>
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Posted: 28th Jun 2016 22:05
Thanks Amen, i'll check It out when I get a chance

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