in 7 years it will be updated.
fpsc was made for indoor game making only. the problems came later when everyone started to push its boundaries. the way it was written was limiting. it also was written in dark basic. restricting it more. also it was limited with many things. mainly people sticking with xp. and also other outside parties making this mod and that mod. so when lee was going to do reloaded he was going to make it better and more adaptable and giving it a long lifespan. they put all their eggs into this baby and have pledged forever to it.
roll on 2-4 years
we have large outdoor areas that don't freak out and freeze ( unless you not serious about gaming and not updated pc)
we have all the benefits of x10 like the menus and sliders
and we have a terrain maker
grass that moves
we have better frames all written in c++
we have a character creator
have a fantastic real time editor ( remember loading it in to see what it was like then going out and back in again and with no sliders ) so making a game is quicker than ever
we have lua for scripting
we have bullet physics
memory caps issue sorted no limit to items
a building editor for none modellers
occlusion and tactics to keep better fps
we have load and saving with choices and a none linear approach ( i think )
fbx importing
model gadget for sizing entities
a great community
and i am sure much more
the thing is we have received all of this over fps creator but we forget. also lee as made it better and more adaptable so he can add change easy with no mod heads jumping in making mods for it and messing the engine up. the less can get in the better in my eyes bloating the engine with random code makes it messy i think lee spent a week removing all the code.
the thing is we take now rag doll and iron sights and all that stuff for granted. but i remember when they toyed with putting in ragdoll to fpsc the forums went giddy with excitement. now its not even remembered, its there. along with so much other stuff. lee has i believed learnt from experience and the community and are now side by side learning as we go. we have great artists great scripters and those who push the boundaries and forever keeping tgc in awe. there is a long way to go and i had to sit back and think, i can moan for england and i am sure others do to. but how far this engine as gone and has no intentions of stopin, it is built on strong foundations now and will be able to grow, fpsc was limited game guru is not. so to the comment of will be out of date, i dont think it will to be fair. i think lee will adapt what needs adapting to give the new x whatever and the new parts, like a pc if you have a great case you can change the parts needed to keep it up to date or advanced. just got to make sure the case is future proof. game guru is i believe. so as to a comment of negative attitude and not really thought out comment
viva la game guru
an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!