It was more a performance consideration than a creative one. For now, you can play with the shader that decides the blending here: GameGuru\Files\effectbank\reloaded\terrain_basic.fx and the section of code specifically is:
// texture selection
float fShadowFromNormal = IN.WorldNormal.y;
float texselectorV = VegShadowColor.b;
float texselectorcol1 = max(0,0.25f-abs(texselectorV-0.00))*4.0f;
float texselectorcol2 = max(0,0.25f-abs(texselectorV-0.25))*4.0f;
float texselectorcol3 = max(0,0.25f-abs(texselectorV-0.50))*4.0f;
float texselectorcol4 = max(0,0.25f-abs(texselectorV-0.75))*4.0f;
float texselectorcol5 = max(0,0.25f-abs(texselectorV-1.00))*4.0f;
// work out normal textures from selector
float3 texpart1 = tex2D(NormalMap1Sampler,IN.TexCoord) * texselectorcol1;
float3 texpart2 = tex2D(NormalMap2Sampler,IN.TexCoord) * texselectorcol2;
float3 texpart3 = tex2D(NormalMap3Sampler,IN.TexCoord) * texselectorcol3;
float3 texpart4 = tex2D(NormalMap3Sampler,IN.TexCoord) * texselectorcol4;
float3 texpart5 = tex2D(NormalMap3Sampler,IN.TexCoord) * texselectorcol5;
float3 normalmap = texpart1+texpart2+texpart3+texpart4+texpart5;
// merge rock normal on deep slopes
float3 Nn = normalize(IN.WorldNormal);
float mXY = pow(abs(Nn.z),6);
float mXZ = pow(abs(Nn.y),2);
float mYZ = pow(abs(Nn.x),6);
float total = mXY + mXZ + mYZ;
mXY /= total;
mXZ /= total;
mYZ /= total;
normalmap = nXY*mXY + normalmap*mXZ + nYZ*mYZ;
// texture references
float4 texpartd1 = tex2D(DiffuseSampler,IN.TexCoord) * texselectorcol1;
float4 texpartd2 = tex2D(DiffuseSampler3,IN.TexCoord) * texselectorcol2;
float4 texpartd3 = tex2D(DiffuseSampler4,IN.TexCoord) * texselectorcol3;
float4 texpartd4 = tex2D(DiffuseSampler5,IN.TexCoord) * texselectorcol4;
float4 texpartd5 = cXZ * texselectorcol5;
float4 diffusemap = texpartd1+texpartd2+texpartd3+texpartd4+texpartd5;
diffusemap = cXY*mXY + diffusemap*mXZ + cYZ*mYZ;
float4 specmap = diffusemap.w;
You can amend the order and weights of each texture sampler to change how the terrain blends its textures together, though I expect you will want something a little more user-friendly
PC SPECS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, Intel Core i7-5930K (PASSMARK:13645), NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980 GPU (PASSMARK:9762) , 32GB RAM