thought i'd make a new AGK game and share the progress as it grows while i wait for more GG updates
not sure how big attachments can be but i'll upload the windows files here too so you can try it out on PC too.
day 5
version 1.0.3 is on the store.
finished the highscore code/screen and added a main menu + instructions screen.
tweaked the stats and upgrade points a bit to make the game slightly harder, will likely add some difficulty mode settings soon, just going to check i'm happy with this as a base for now.
no sound as of yet but plan add some soon along with female zombies once i get the sprites created.
day 4
added code to increase the stats for the survivors and also a chance to increase how many there are as you progress through the game.
just updating the HUD to show the stats (currently in text format only) and then i'll add some high score code so i can release version 1 for anyone that's interested to play (and feedback hopefully)
day 3
day 2
day 1
comments welcome