Product Chat / Need community feedback regarding my future store items for GameGure

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Posted: 21st May 2016 12:45 Edited at: 21st May 2016 15:22
Hi All,

I am about to start putting Lua scripts and associated sprites onto the store (assuming they get approved of course) but I have several options of how to package them and I would like feedback regarding potential customer preferences.

My first items are a set of replacement radars (Lee has already seen an early version of one of them and was suitably impressed) which will be user customisable to great degree.

I could put each one on the store as a separate item, i.e. single Lua script with sprites for it, or combine them all in a single pack (still one Lua script but all radars would be included in it and the user would be able to select which one is displayed).

The plan is for 10 radars, I won't give away all the details just yet but one of them will be the classic Aliens style motion tracker.

Now I could put them all out as singles and also an all in one but that will be a lot more work, I would prefer to keep them all in one and sell it for say £3 rather than split them all out for 50p each.

Feel free to suggest any features you would like to see added (no a map option is not possible with GG as it currently stands but if it becomes possible in future it is top of my list to add) or possible 'skins'. I am planning on 5 skin options ('black ops', army green, basic camo, desert camo and snow camo) to start with but will add more if requested.

Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!
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Posted: 21st May 2016 14:10
Go with the pack.
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Posted: 4th Jun 2016 15:58
Just in case anyone is following this, I've put the simplest of my new radars on the scripts forum for everyone to have a play with.

Hope it give an idea of what I am up to, unfortunately its the only one that works with both the existing stable GG version and the new Beta, my other creations need changes that are in the current Beta so releasing them into the wild is not an option at present.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!

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