Multiplayer / Non-Steam Multiplayer Option for the Future?

Ryan F
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Joined: 2nd May 2016
Posted: 3rd May 2016 11:12
G'day guys,
After whipping up a game to test out the capabilities of GameGuru with a couple 'a mates, I realised that GameGuru was required to play our multiplayer maps with others. Obviously this is a bit of a pain if most of your friends are more into game-playing than game devving, so I had a bit of a look around for plans to integrate an alternative means. I noticed a "Free Multiplayer App" mentioned on that feature voting page, but personally I'm not sure about this either.

I understand the intention is to use Steam servers to make joining games a lot easier (And the hosting of any kind of master server) but I feel having an app like this takes away a bit of professionalism in regards to releasing the game to the public; makes the game engine seem more like a simple map maker for another game.

I really would like to see some kind of check box in the future before the build process with "Utilise Steam Servers", whereas if it were unchecked it would allow the saving of a stand-alone that could host and connect to servers itself, like we saw with the original FPS Creator multiplayer - even without a "click and connect" capability, I would be more than happy to have a simple "Connect to IP" functionality.

Anyway that's my 2 cents, I'd love to hear anybody else's take on the topic.
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Posted: 7th May 2016 17:12
Great idea! I like it

Hope they will think about it.
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Joined: 21st Apr 2015
Posted: 20th May 2016 16:04
I couldn't agree more, it looks very amateurish if you sell a game and you need to use a free player launcher to play it multiplayer.
Just enable up to 16 players by lan or where the host serves as the server, like they did in Warcraft 3 15 years ago.
Then if you want to make a mmo or the like you would have to provide your own server/servers.

For me i don't understand why multiplayer standalone hasn't been added. To make a great singleplayer game you need to deliever on so many aspects. However in multiplayer you can get away with having a more simple game as long as it is fun. And while at it please enable custom scripts, ai etc. in multiplayer.

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