Product Chat / Im wondering is the store for game guru a scam ?

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Posted: 3rd May 2016 00:19
Im wondering if this is a common problem or not . I bought game guru and in order to download assets from the store I have to link it with my steam account but after linking it to my steam it still tells me that im not registered in my game guru engine . So is the tool just a scam to gain access to peoples steam accounts or what could be the problem ? Because the store says I am linked and that everything is fine but the engine wont let me download anything saying its not registered .
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 3rd May 2016 01:03 Edited at: 3rd May 2016 01:06
I am not seeing your steam link button.

Please press the green help button and let them know that you need your steam link to be reset.

They will help you in getting it working.


Sometimes clearing your browser cache also helps this out.
Close and reopen the browser afterwards.
Log onto the store.
Stay logged in on your browser on the store page then try and open Game Guru again and press the download option from the files menu.

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Posted: 3rd May 2016 01:16
I have done the steam link thing where you have to give them your code and get it added twice already . It keeps saying I am linked up on the site afterwords but its not working on the game engine side .
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Posted: 3rd May 2016 02:28
Are you also demon32 on steam ?
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 3rd May 2016 05:21
Again I still dont see that the steam link has been achieved. You can see under my post a button that says steam profile.

I dont see that under yours.

I have tagged support again with this. Support is on BST at the moment and it is just off a week end. This usually takes an extra day to get to.

I can assure you that this is not a scam to get your steam account. This happens from time to time with a specific browser or some other small issue that can be sorted with the support team.

So lets start from the beginning again with your machine specifications and the browser you are using.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Screen resolution 1680 x 1050.

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Posted: 3rd May 2016 13:52
I can confirm that the user with the display name "bow2me26" has indeed been linked to a Steam account, so not sure why you cannot see the Steam Profile button in your forum posts. Remember that you need to launch GameGuru through the Steam client in order for the software to link with your Steam account, which is required when using the FILE > Download Store Items feature to download any assets you may have bought from the Asset Store. Also remember that you should buy assets from the store by again launching GameGuru through Steam, then clicking the Asset Store button (bottom left) and this will ensure the Steam account you are buying the assets under will be the same account you are using when you click the Download Store Items button in the FILE menu.
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Posted: 3rd May 2016 15:04
I've got word from our web guy that in order to see your Steam Profile button in the forum, you first need to log out of the TGC site, the store page and the forum completely. Then you can log back into the TGC site, and then go to the forums and you will see your Steam Profile button appear. This will show that your TGC account and your Steam account are linked.

Once you see that, you can then launch GameGuru through the Steam client, and click the FILE menu item called Download Store Items and any assets you bought through the Asset Store will start downloading into the purchased folder of GameGuru.
PC SPECS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, Intel Core i7-5930K (PASSMARK:13645), NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980 GPU (PASSMARK:9762) , 32GB RAM

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Posted: 3rd May 2016 15:24
Also got this from Mr WebGuy: "It should be noted you must login to the web store after logging out for linking to work each site requires a separate login to link up correctly."
PC SPECS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, Intel Core i7-5930K (PASSMARK:13645), NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980 GPU (PASSMARK:9762) , 32GB RAM

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Posted: 3rd May 2016 17:38 Edited at: 3rd May 2016 17:38

I've also taken a look at this, and as Lee has stated you're actually showing a Steam ID on our system under an email address sent to me regarding this problem.

Is this still an issue or have you managed to link your accounts?

SC / Dave Hawkins
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Posted: 4th May 2016 07:32
after hours it finally said I had something to download in the game guru engine and it started downloading it Im not 100 percent sure if I received what I was suppose to from the site or not since im not sure where the files went after the download process but It did start doing something instead of just saying im not registered .
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 4th May 2016 08:15
Downloaded files from the store will be in the purchased folder in the entity library to the left.
It should be the top most folder in there.
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Posted: 4th May 2016 12:02
Hi bow2me26,

Do you think you could remove the negative review posted here: "" so future uses don't think we're just out to get their Steam IDs. Thanks! Also let us know if you need any help, that's what we're here for

PC SPECS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, Intel Core i7-5930K (PASSMARK:13645), NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980 GPU (PASSMARK:9762) , 32GB RAM

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Posted: 5th May 2016 14:36
I have been able to remove the flag from the Steam review. You should be able to edit it now
PC SPECS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, Intel Core i7-5930K (PASSMARK:13645), NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980 GPU (PASSMARK:9762) , 32GB RAM

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Posted: 5th May 2016 18:14
I saw that and I edited it . Had a bunch of people thinking I was saying they werent trying to help me when they were because I wasnt able to reply back to theyre comments .
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Posted: 5th May 2016 18:15
Ouch! That's one nasty review and totally untrue. Sometimes there can be little hiccups with websites and we all get frustrated sometimes. But I am 100% confident this is a perfectly reputable company. I've been buying their products for over a decade.
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Posted: 5th May 2016 18:27
yea I got the product to work . There was definately something buggy going on with it noticing if your registered or not . Not sure what that was thats for the devs to figure out . All I knew at the time when I posted it was it asked for my steam info and wouldnt work from there . And by the time I was able to respond to edit the review and show the people that did later on try and help me that It was working I was already flagged and threatened with a ban and couldnt talk to the people that tried to help me . Kind of hard to clear up anything when someone else hinders the line of communications .

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