@Belidos, Glad you like it,
Just a point that may help. I always use the goindoors.lua on a trigger zone marker - maybe that will work for you, it works for me in many different maps
Also you probably know this but just in case you missed it, you need to have something in the level so you can see that you are moving becaues the skybox moves with you
Also for SpacePort please re-download in above thread - sorted the naming and formats of the textures
@Bolt Action Gaming, thanks for the kind words, and here be some tips on scrolling cloud layer for you.
The texture has to have transapencey mask and needs to be named: skyboxname_CLOUDS and saved as
DXT5 ARGB 8 bpp interpolated alpha
Add this to skyspec:
SkyScrollX = 10
SkyScrollZ = 10
Play with x and z for speed oc.
Check this
thread where I asked the same queation awhile back.
Hope that helps
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4160 @ 3,60GHz. 8GB Ram. NVidia GeForce GTX 750. Acer 24" Monitors x 2 @ 1920 x 1080. Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.