Feature Creep / please make more feature

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Posted: 30th Apr 2016 10:37
i wanted other feature in gameguru to make it awesome like this
1.assaulter class character that use ak-47
2.enemy car/truck shoot you using their car/truck machine gun when they die their car or truck have some destroyed piece
3.option on destroy corpse keep or dissepear
4.enemy helicopter attack from the air and shoot you
5.more cartoon character asset from old game engine by the game creator
6.assault weapon animation cause they hold some weapon like a uzi
7.merceneries and add drone and scifi weapon in scifi dlc cause your making the screenshot a year ago
and hightger jump
8.tank enemy
its all maybe
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Posted: 30th Apr 2016 17:51 Edited at: 30th Apr 2016 17:52
I'm not sure that you understand what the word feature means:

1. This is not a feature, anyone who knows how to model and animate a character can add a character that uses an ak-47 themselves, this is a model request not a feature.
2. Not sure I understand what you want here.
3. This is something we already have, it can be done by editing the AI lua file or creating your own. Again, not a feature.
4. Can already be made, just need someone to model it and someone to write an LUA for it, still not a feature
5. Additional assets can be made by anyone, guess what ... not a feature :p
6. Another item that is in the realms of the people making models. A feature this is not.
7. a: mercenaries, scifi weapon, drone, all models and scripts that we can make our selves, higher jumping? click the start marker, select properties and change the jump speed and height in there, A: not a feature, B: we already have it.
8. Again another model and script, not a feature.

Features are things that are integral to the software, for example a nifty interface, or a new shading system, or a different style widget for editing and so forth. New models and scripts aren't features and there are separate forums for talking about and asking for those.

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Posted: 30th Apr 2016 21:37 Edited at: 30th Apr 2016 21:38
We do indeed need more features. What you describe is content....and part of making a game is making or modifying free/purchased content. Meaning it will mostly be up to you...the soldiers already in GG are already a splendid starting point.

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Posted: 2nd May 2016 06:42 Edited at: 2nd May 2016 08:32
Ironically the user is correct in thinking these are "features". There are things like turrets, tanks, cars, planes, boats and such listed on the feature voting list... as separate entries. This is why things like Hardware Instancing, Volumetric Particle Effects, Waypoints Enhanced, Tree batching, Group Editing, Player control override, Rendering distance for static meshes, Shader Editing and the list goes on are so heavily below the list.

Why these things are even on that list is beyond me and I try not to express how I truly feel about them being on there because I don't want to go off on rants like my past and get banned like others have for expressing their same concerns about the same topic.

Cumulatively they are taking up 13,062 voting points (Cars & Tanks- 4174, Boats - 2611, Planes - 2436, Motorbikes - 2226, Turrets - 1651). That's more than any single entry on the list.

As the majority of the youth and inexperienced developers are going to go for what is most simple and makes sense to them, without realizing some of these things are already do-able and the other items on the list are incomparable to the needs this engine truly requires to be a viable working utility. This is why critical items are so far below on the list. "The easy game maker" is why. There is an expectation that that complicated stuff would have already been taken care of.

Due to such entries -- I have to wait more years for various items to be caught up. Its disappointing to be honest. Trust me I understand the marketing side of things, but those items should have been grouped together as vehicles, or perhaps removed the list entirely since they can generated by the community via LUA scripting and modeling.

Quote: "5.more cartoon character asset from old game engine by the game creator"

I've been poking at these guys for quite some time. As you can see in the screenshot. They seem to however act unpredictable in the editor for some reason. They may require re-rigging for GG. As whenever I test them they sometimes go invisible in the editor or appear in gameplay without textures.
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Posted: 2nd May 2016 11:05
Vehicles would still require extra engine updates - mostly the physics - so while not strictly features themselves they would add more to the engine anyway and once one land vehicle is done then the others would be the same, then water might get an update for boats and then finally maybe a way to get the terrain height would be added to make helicopters and planes work.

I do agree the engine needs more core features first but physics would be one of those so in a way at least one of those would be added in this instance (and hopefully water would be too unless Lee was being lazy as boats could technically be added on flat water only).

Other than the vehicles I agree this is mostly content and should be added via the store or such (as long as the engine makes it easy to do so).
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Posted: 6th May 2016 13:27
@teabone thanks to make the fpsc model pack to game guru
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Posted: 6th May 2016 13:29
make more and make it to the public teabone cause i haved use animer 2.2 but i try to import it to game guru = animer 2.2 crash
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Posted: 6th May 2016 13:30
i mean game guru character animation imported to fpsc classic character =animer 2.2 not responding and crash
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Posted: 6th May 2016 14:53 Edited at: 6th May 2016 14:58
If you're talking about Animer crashing with the "dark basic has ... blah blah bla" message when you try to import animations into it, there's a simple fix for that.

1. Make sure animer is set to windows XP sp3 compatability mode
2. Make sure animer is run as adiminstrator
3. In the browse window that comes up when you hit the import animations button, turn off the preview pane, see picture below to show you the button to turn it off

You should now be able to import animations without the crash (it will still happen for some animations sets, I think the uber soldier one has issues and causes animer to crash whether you d this or not, but most of the characters should import now)

Also, most people don't use animer for animations any more, the software you need is fragmotion, you can find video guides by Bored of the Rings on Youtube.

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Posted: 6th May 2016 22:43
Hmmm, content, well ok yes it is but something that should be in the core, the AK47, GG has no assault rifle, yes the store has one (lots of lovely guns in fact at $2 a pop its win win) but still, it really should be in the core, the option is in the fpe.

in fact I'm sure Lee responded to a thread earlier this year asking for an assault rifle that he had one in a folder waiting to convert and add to the core, ....

EDIT: found it, I was wrong, guess it either didn't get sent or didn't work with the hands


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