Looking thru the global.lua file I dont see a g_timer statement Just a global variable that reads the milliseconds the game has been started. What your looked at might have been a defined variable.
I am thinking that in the start of the main function of your script you could check the value of the GetTimer(e) and then if it is above zero, (a set of conditions to allow the script to continue) issue a StartTimer(e) statement again to reset it at that point to zero.
Then move on thru the script and see if you can get the timer display to read zero.
I will try a few of the scripts around for timer stuff and see what I can find. Maybe there is still a bug in it.
In this thread here:
Smallg shows possible ways to use this. reading the g_timer variable, setting a local in your script to reference that and reset your variable to zero there. This might need to be the very first thing done in the script. Last post, he made some global functions as an approach to this.
Go to this thread and test the snippets and see if you can make any headway with that. Maybe a few questions there will bring some of the coders around to giving more suggestions or a solution to your situation.
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