Lee, me again, dont worry not moaning about error checking lol, You mentioned in a recent Twitch video that if anyone had any ideas about saving table data then speak up.... well, a rather simple solution was staring me in the face all along but it didn't come to me till just now, I don't know if you have seen the database snippet I posted
here, well, your already saving user variables with a prefix of 'g_', so how about having the save routine look for a single table 'g_UserData' and us script writers can use this global table to have our named table data saved with the save game mechanism using the json module to save out the table
it would need some way of keeping track of table name strings, I thought maybe pre/post fix the json strings with a stub "##JSON##START##tablename" and "##JSON##END##" then when reading the information back assign the tablename back to g_UserData[tablename] to reconstruct the users table........
g_UserData={} -- defined in global.lua
g_UserData["mytablename"]={}-- defined in user script
as far as ideas go its about all I got, but I'm pretty sure it can work without adding *much* overhead, depends on the overall size of g_UserData I guess
What do you think?