Bassically Gameloop has something to do with healt handle and save/load game features.
I had noticed everytime I use something like below statement in a script, "Gameloop" error being raised.
package.path = "scriptbank/?.lua;"
afaik, gameloop.lua has to do with 3 file being generated when you save standalone.
Those 3 lua files are locate in "Files\titlesbank" in your standalone folder, and they are as follow:
Those files are claimed by "GameLoopInit/GlobalLoop" functions in global.lua.
When standalone, do not should be a problem.
Problem comes when in test mode, since those files are only generated in standalone mode, so GG raised the error, since those files does not exists.
The question is, why GG is claiming for those files in test mode?
As aside note, I've quoted myself, nor good practice, but in this case it does the trick:
Quote: "Ignore it this has something to do, but I've found this path not correct: "scriptbank\scriptbank/gameloop.lua"
Since Global.lua in 127 line say: "gameloop = require "scriptbank\\gameloop" ."
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