Product Chat / Scale and Collision Issues

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Posted: 29th Mar 2016 01:34
Hi All,
I have a few issues I'm struggling with... I'll explain...
First, I use the rather expensive PolyTrans for Maya to export directx files from Maya. The animations do not function at all in GG for some reason, so I scrapped that idea. Next, I made a simple door in Blender, imported a character model from Game Guru's default characters, scaled the door up so the character model would fit into the door. Removed the character model to reveal a nice, properly scaled door. I animated the door to open/close. Frames 1-25 open and frames 26-50 close. I have updated the anims section of the fpe file accordingly as well.
Now, I export this door to .x with Blender and load it into GG..
The scale is terrible. The door is about the size of one of your shoes!
Ok, I use GG to scale it up. Test game and push E to open the door. (it uses the default lua door script and is set to active).
The door animates! Great! at least the animations now work! Push E again to close the door and it looks great however I can walk right through it while it's closed! Hmm, I fix the animation problem with PolyTrans by using Blender only to have 2 more problems arise! I have deleted the DBO file and tried again, same result! The model should be about 125 units tall and should not be able to pass through when closed.
Any ideas of what to try?
Again, here is what I tried so far....

Blender .x Export...
Door is too small, way way too small.
Collision is turned off when door is open but stays turned off when door is closed..

I Have Tried...
- Matched the door scale to that of a character model in Blender.
- Deleted the DBO File for the door.
- Ensured the door is using the door.lua script with the "anims" section of the FPE file modified to match the created door's animation frames. (animmax = 2 anim0 = 0,25 anim1 = 26,50).
-Ensured the door is set to non static via the FPE file and the entity's properties. The door highlights green when hovered over in the editor.
-The animations work great and the object is set to "isimmobile = yes" so the door doesn't fall over when running into it.
Latest version of Blender and GG

I t would be cool if PolyTrans for Maya 6 would export Directx animations that work correctly in GG but that might be due to an old version of Maya but the exporter does export DX9 compatible files so in theory it should work. I've tried all the plugin's checkboxes for animations but nothing moves in GG. Maybe GG requires some specific setting, I dunno,
Blender exports do animate correctly at least but that just introduced these 2 new issues.

Any suggestions would be welcomed and appreciated!

At Least The hour Glass Works
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 29th Mar 2016 02:55
In Blender, when you made your door, did you apply scale before exporting (ctrl + A, S)? Very important, because 1 Blender unit = 1" in the GG world. If scale is not applied (scale = 1 in all dimensions), sizes can get messed up. Same with location and rotation. These all affect different models differently, depending on the model itself and how it was modelled. Best practice is to apply them all. Also, scaling in the editor and or importer should be a last resort. If you can scale a model in your modelling program, which obviously you can, do so there. Collision, lightmapping, and a host of other things probably can get screwed up when scaling in the .fpe (whether through the importer or through the editor).

Hope that helps!
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Posted: 29th Mar 2016 04:49
Thanks for the reply...
I'm a Maya guy and I'm getting to know Blender's layout...
I "applied" each transformation as you said... (Scale, Rotation, and Location).
There's even a checkbox on the .x exporter for "Apply Before Exporting" or something to that effect. Tried that as well.
We did get something to happen though...

After applying everything then exporting again and loading the door into GG it now appears massive. I'm talking all the way up through the roof of the building .. massive! Wide as the entire room!... massive! lol.

There is no "scale" setting in the fpe file. Only offsets, ai, anims and such.. I know I can add one but the model should appear at the correct size. It's either way too big or way too small. I'm at a loss.

Again, thanks for the reply, it's appreciated

At Least The hour Glass Works
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Posted: 29th Mar 2016 08:32
A good way to size your items is to use entity workshop to gauge the correct size. You basically load your .x file into entity workshop and it appears on a grid which is the same size as an 8x8 grid in gameguru, you can then by clicking a button add a doll that is the correct size for a character in gameguru, and you can see how much bigger or smaller you need to make your model, and adjust accordingly in your modelling program. You can get entity workshop from ...

As to judging sizes inside blender, 100x100x0 would create a plane that is the same dimensions as one 8x8 square in the gameguru editor.

Don't forget (as said above) to set you location, rotation and scale before exporting, and you should be ok.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2016 08:58
Thanks for the help and advice, it worked great for sizing the model.
The door is now the correct size.
The collision is still goofed up though.
When you first load the level, you cannot walk through the door, as it should be.
When opening the door, the collision stops and you can walk through, as it should be.
Press E again to close the door, it closes as it should, however you can still walk right through it.
Any ideas why?

Thanks again for all assistance on this, I'm almost where I want to be!

At Least The hour Glass Works
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Posted: 30th Mar 2016 09:32 Edited at: 30th Mar 2016 09:37
The collision issue is very likely nothing to do with the model, it's probably the script you are using. In a recent update they changed something about how timers work and this had a knock on effect on things like the door script.

Try using the attached door.lua instead of the one that comes with GameGuru and let me know if it helps.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2016 14:27
Yes there has been a fix in V1.13 which improves the StartTimer() and GetTimer() commands, thus improving the default door script
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Posted: 30th Mar 2016 17:59
I tried the door.lua script you attached....
You can still walk through the door after it closes.
I really appreciate your efforts though

I'm an old Dark Basic Pro guy from 10 years ago (I actually still use it..)... I never tried FPSC so I thought I'd give GG a whirl. So far, so good, except for this issue but it might not be GG's fault. This whole thing could be my model because the stock doors that came with GG work correctly with the door.lua script. I used one of the stock doors as a template of sorts so I'm surprised it does this with the collision. However, if it were the model, I wouldn't think the collision would work at all when the level loads. But it does, it works great until you close the door, which suggests a script issue. But it works on the stock doors which suggests an issue with my model. Very strange indeed!
@Lee, if you have any suggestions as to what could possibly cause this, I'm all ears... er... eyes!

At Least The hour Glass Works
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Posted: 30th Mar 2016 19:43
I had a similar problem with a door,
what i did was , i adopted the fence gate fpe file ( stock item) , and change the things neede to change like texture, x file etc.
and then it worked.
so it was something i missed in the fpe file.
you can Always give that a try

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