1Is there anything we can do for controllers? Since there is scan key now I was wondering if there was a way of scripting a scan key script for controllers.
I have been looking through the folders and found a file called default and it looks like this.
;To create your own keymap file, simply duplicate this file, give it a
;name to reflect the hardware keyboard you are using, then modify the
;values to the right to re-assign hardware key scancodes to new values
;You can find out the correct scancodes for your keyboard by setting
;the field called 'fulldebugview=0' in SETUP.INI to 'fulldebugview=1'
;and then run GameGuru which will report the value of any key pressed
key12MINUS1 = 12
key13PLUS1 = 13
key16Q = 16
key17W = 17
key18E = 18
key19R = 19
key28RETURN = 28
key30A = 30
key31S = 31
key32D = 32
key42SHIFT = 42
key46C = 46
key57SPACE = 57
key74MINUS2 = 74
key78PLUS2 = 78
I turned on the 'fulldebugview=0' but now I don't know where GG is going to show me the scan codes I'm looking for, I'm also pushing buttons on the keyboard.
Now the question is how does it work... I want to code the game to my Xbox controller if possible.
Markchapman10 is my Skype let's have some dev talk.