Hi guys
Many of you know that my resources are just as scarce, especially my graphics card; I always get between 9 and 16 fps.
But yesterday decided GG allowing me to experience what it feels like when you reach quantities such as 60,90, 128! fps.
Back to reality.
I have noticed that when the player faces algua thing with many polys, such as trees, vegetation, many characters, etc. fps plummet, but if the player goes to an empty area, the fps up immediately.
I know that there are many zombies and it is normal that the fps fall, but in my case, also fall fps with a single zombie.
4 fps
17 fps
Sorry guys, F10 does not takes Metrics in screenshot.
Thanks for watch the video.
Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz
OS: Windows 10 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics