i came to a very loos end where am finishing first level out of three in my first chapter of my game, but i realized it's so neat like no music in the back ground or anything, i youtubed some videos and found out people can play with the music so please i have few questions. and yes i read the document instructed into GG it's nice but doesn't answer much .
First what are all the types of sounds files can GG run ?
Second what can i use to record an audio like voice acting and then import the sound file in way GG can run ?
Third how to make the game run a certain music on the back ground that basically don't stop, but while it's running upon triggering sound zone , the voice acting rolls while the music is running how can i apply that ?
Fourth any limitations to recording a voice or a size to the music files ?
Fifth how do people transform for example MP3 to wav or w/e GG required file type to run it any special programs ?
Thank's for reading