3rd Party Models/Media Chat / Character animation frame rate ?

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Posted: 1st Mar 2016 15:31
I have seen this answered somewhere before but could not find it. I have rigged a custom character to the GG soldier in Fragmotion. I have it working and am ready to export it but I don't remember what frame rate GG likes. I think it's 30 fps. Can someone fill me in ?
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Posted: 1st Mar 2016 15:53 Edited at: 1st Mar 2016 15:53
I opened Uber Soldier.x with DirectX-MeshView and export it as a *.x-file in text format.

and i searched for this line:
AnimTicksPerSecond {

Perhaps this will help you.
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Posted: 1st Mar 2016 16:30
I haven't even tried to export and test it yet. When I imported the soldier to fragmotion I think it was like 4400 or 4800 FPS. It was waaaaaay too fast. I had to slow it down to 30ish to work with it. I haven't messed with character animation in many years so i don't even remember the difference in ticks/sec vs frames/sec or if there even IS a difference ? I seem to remember most models being 24 FPS back then, and I could have sworn I read or heard somewhere back when it was Reloaded that 30 fps was good. Anyway I'll try it and see what happens.

Thanks for the help nomis

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