3rd Party Models/Media Chat / Objects not behaving properly

GameGuru TGC Backer
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Posted: 28th Feb 2016 14:00
Hello everyone.

I am making some new models and have found some odd behaviour when placing them. The two objects involved are a floor 100 x 110 units and a wall 100 x 100 units.

I made the floor this size so that when I had GG in 'Grid' mode the walls would snap to each end of the floor and be on top of it, but this is what I get.

Floor placed in grid mode:

Then First wall placed on the right:

And finaly the second wall on the left:

As you can see the second wall is not on the top of the floor. I have tried this several times using different snap methods but I still get the same. The only way I can do it is if I 'Extract' the first wall and place it on the right and the left, then it stays at the same level.

Can anybody think what might be happening or is it a glitch with GG.

HP Pavilion Laptop, AMD A8-4555M APU with Radeon(tm) Graphics HD Graphics 1.6GHz, 8GB Memory, 64 Bit Operating System (Windows 10), 1 TB Hard Drive.

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Posted: 28th Feb 2016 14:10
well i had this a while ago, and i believe, but i am not sure, that it has to do with the pivot point centre of the object.
What i did was rotate it 180 in the editor, and then i could place it.

give it a try.


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GameGuru TGC Backer
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Posted: 28th Feb 2016 15:11
Your a genious Harry Of course why didn't I think of that, It worked great. Thanks.
HP Pavilion Laptop, AMD A8-4555M APU with Radeon(tm) Graphics HD Graphics 1.6GHz, 8GB Memory, 64 Bit Operating System (Windows 10), 1 TB Hard Drive.

I've got something to say - It's better to burn out than fade away.

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