Product Chat / Command & Conquer Style Game?

Super Clark
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2016 21:05
I would like to be a be to Create a Command & Conquer Style Game if this would be a Possibility
in the future? or is it always just going to be FPS style.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2016 23:09 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2016 23:10
I would have to say yes this could be possible in the future .... With the plans for isometric ability being improved and scripting that has already proved possible for a turn based game.... Once we get all the features its something I would like to try ....

This was 3com's demo of a turn based demo may not look much but it worked
You can see the video better in fullscreen

The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
Super Clark
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Posted: 24th Feb 2016 01:04
Yeh would be great if we got to auto build items like in C&C bases and Tank, ships, Aircraft etc.

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