3rd Party Models/Media Chat / Looking for a 3d modeler for hire

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Joined: 20th Aug 2007
Posted: 21st Feb 2016 14:03 Edited at: 21st Feb 2016 14:03
To whom it may concern, looking for a 3d modeler to hire for some small work.

*Have a sound knowledge of import/export .x
*Not requiring anything crazy, just some mesh edits, and custom additions to a current mesh.

Feel free to post here, however I would prefer a PM. So we can keep the boards tidy Thank you.
Define R4, i7, 8g, R7 360
science boy
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Joined: 3rd Oct 2008
Location: Up the creek
Posted: 21st Feb 2016 23:02 Edited at: 21st Feb 2016 23:03
sending as a pm
an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!
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Joined: 20th Aug 2007
Posted: 24th Feb 2016 11:47 Edited at: 24th Feb 2016 11:50
Thank you to everyone who contacted me The freelance position has been filled.

Question? Is there anyone on the boards that can take a old fpsc character and can convert it to a usable state in GG ?
Define R4, i7, 8g, R7 360

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