Does GameGuru have Lua commands for the following, or do you have any other way to do it.
1. Camera - Free Camera that can be positioned, rotated, zoomed via Lua.
2. Ray-cast - Cast a ray from screen position into world and get the hit entity. And Ray-cast from world position to another world position, and check if there is no other object between the two points.
3. JoyStick Input - Lua - I am using Glove-pie to convert wii input to ppjoy joystick(axis and buttons), then I can use that to position two or more player coursers on screen. And use button data to trigger gun shots.
4. Spawn - Spawn any entity at runtime, like Gibbs, Blood, Sparks, Smoke etc at a world pos.
5. Get Physics Entities in a Sphere Radius or AABB-Box. This will help with programming a better AI.
And also this would help in Editor ............
6. Alterable Var and strings on each entity in Entity Properties, so that those can be accessed via Lua Script to give unique behavior to each Entity
8. ID or Tag - Set a unique ID or Tag to similar objects of a group in Editor.
7. List of all Entities and clones in that Level. So that one can see and select each entity from that List to change its values or zoom on to that easily.