Work In Progress / [Commercial Game] Mars Explorer 2033 (AlgoStep Company)

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Posted: 8th Feb 2016 21:11 Edited at: 8th Feb 2016 21:12
Hello everyone !

Forgive me for my English; I translate all text with Google Translate.

I present here one of our commercial projects: Mars Explorer 2033. It will be available on Steam few months.

It is being developed by professionals 5 people.

Project details:

Name game (FR): Mars 2033 Explorer
Name game (US, if one day we broadcast the English): March 2033 Explorer
Game Type: Exploration and action to "FPS" on Mars
History: The first colonization of Mars that will not happen as planned ...
Future selling price: 5 EUR (EU) ~ 5,5$ (US) ~ 3,8 £ (EN)
Language: French (sorry I do not speak English ... I hope one day translate the game and publish an update of it ^^)

Stage of development:

Currently we are at 50%.
Every object, every visual and decorations is studied with care.
The player will be accompanied all along its way by an artificial intelligence (Dana), which will help him in his missions.
For each level every detail, every aspect of the game and the configuration is adapted and set to work perfectly; we work 6 hours a day 5 people to create a real little realistic play.

All knowledge on Mars are met: gravity, temperature, lighting effects. We wanted to make the most realistic with GameGuru.

Some effects were entirely designed by our team for a realistic:
- GameGuru ( )
- DynaEngine: an engine lightmapping C ++ / ASM rendering real time (Engine completely designed by our company since 2006)
- MarsBox: a realistic sandstorm effect designed 8K (I have provided free on the forum)
- Shader RGB Red Reflect: a more realistic light scattering shader (based NVidia Free Shader)

The greater part of the decorations come from the packages purchased in the Store GameGuru some other objects were designed with "Google Sketchup" and the textures and effects have been recreated with "Paint .NET" (equivalent to Photoshop but free).

also used:

- Animer (TGC)
- Audacity (sound and music)
- Voxygen (under license negotiation....)
- The music of Eric Matyas (I will soon contact for a nagocier ^^ digital broadcasting law, to avoid paying $ 30 X 15 music ...... OUCH ^^)
- Cinema 4D (for 3D cutscenes which rendered must be ultra-precise)
- Crebat Pro (rapid 3D creation software designed by our team, available on the forums)
- Action! (Mirillis) for future cinematic videos and screenshots of the game
- TimeLine Editor Pro FX (effects decals for 4K and 8K by 60 to 120 fps)

In terms of the game I unfortunately do not have to provide video presentation.

By cons I propose a series of images of the game

Also take into account that it currently lacks the following elements:

- DirectX 11
- Anti-aliasing
- Saving and loading parts
- Driving the vehicle (rover)

I hope this project will interest you

And I especially hope to one day translate entirely in English ^^

Thank you all for reading this and I wish you a very good day (night?)

Big thank you to TheGameCreators for this fabulous software (GameGuru)!

All feedback is welcome !
Enjoy !

AlgoStep Company
AlgoStep PC
French Company based in France (Rouen)
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AlgoStep Company - Software development and 3D video games since 2006
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Posted: 8th Feb 2016 23:06
Looks great!
But what is the genre of the game ? Survival or FPS (multiplayer or singleplayer?)
And how do you work 5 people at the same time ? Since GG doesn't support live editing by multiple users
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Posted: 9th Feb 2016 10:19

Thank you

In made if we can do that by doing the following:

The folder "Files" and other files are installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2.
Each PC has a console program that will launch the executable virtualized on their screens.
This involves having each local executable "GameGuru.exe" on each PC.
The console once launched GameGuru, get the "Files" folder on the server.
Then a copy of the maps is being saved in "Files \ mapbank \" with a special number:
Name of the database file: marsexplorer2033_A04.fpm
Each modification to a PC the rename: marsexplorer2033_A04_COMPXXX (XXX = number of changes).

Then he left for us, when adding 3D objects or direct changes to the folder "Files" to merge last changed 3D objects.

In detail :

- The first person (me) does the Level Design; I do not change anything on the Files; I understood just maps.

- The second person (Seb77) also deals with the Level Design; he assisted me in placing 3D objects but also sounds zone, music, videos or actions. So it can add local music to the game.
For example, it set up a local folder "Files \ AudioBank \ music \ marsexplorer2033 \" and he shall place his music in OGG format.
With a simple click on a VB.NET software designed by our team the file is sent to the server (Melting folder).

- The third person (Julius) deals with the development of 3D effects (with my help from time to time); implying that performs identically to "Seb77".
So it can send files to the server.

- The fourth person (DarkZell) is responsible for designing sounds and images (HUD, etc.) and thus can also send files to the server.

- The fifth person (Maximinus) handles level plans and tests on the game and must ensure that the game is playable above 35~40 frames per second regardless of the view. It does not need to send files on the servers but revenche it can recover easily for testing.

As soon as I need to test the game and verify contents, I connect to the server and I download the latest copy of the folder "Files".
In revenche as GameGuru is limited, every people who work over there already purchase on Steam before (for this to be legal, of course).

But what's great about this technique is that we can therefore develop in a video game with several GameGuru playing intelligently between local files and server files.

Finally, every 30 minutes, the server copies the "Files" folder to create a backup of the full game.

I hope you understand me because it is not easy to explain all in English ^^

I would make you a video demonstration as soon as I have time
AlgoStep Company - Software development and 3D video games since 2006
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Posted: 9th Feb 2016 15:41
Oh that sounds cool and professional!
And yeah would love to see a bit of gameplay too
And i understood everything fine so no worries
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Posted: 9th Feb 2016 17:41
Good evening,

I'll try to make you a video of the game (although currently it lacks some stuff)
AlgoStep Company - Software development and 3D video games since 2006
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Posted: 9th Feb 2016 22:34
Not much to see just yet aside from the scifi DLC models...but hey! You are early in development and its always unfair to judge early stages.
I love the setting! Early space colonialisation and the isolation of being on another planet can cause some really cool tension!

Any word on what its about? Like why do they have military grade firepower on a mission to mars?

Quote: "DynaEngine: an engine lightmapping C ++ / ASM rendering real time (Engine completely designed by our company since 2006)"

Cool! You got a website on this?

Best luck with this from:


Quote: "I hope you understand me because it is not easy to explain all in English ^^"

On te comprend! Ton anglais est vraiment bon, meilleur que mon français
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Posted: 10th Feb 2016 20:36 Edited at: 10th Feb 2016 20:36
Thank you

But it is true that we used a lot 3D objects purchased on the Store of GameGuru.

Most of the 3D objects on the Store are for FPS action shooter type games.
There may ciency model fiction or space, likewise on the internet.

To avoid wasting time using 90% of 3D objects purchased in the store.

The purpose is mainly to create realistic and beautiful scenery and an interesting scenario.

However we would like to design 3D objects new to the game but our 3D developer is not able to conceive anything in 3D : by Google Sketchup is quickly limited (but at least it's free ^^)

For lightmapping Dyna Engine Motor is currently closed (private).
Nevertheless I would a demonstration image
AlgoStep Company - Software development and 3D video games since 2006
If it's in the game, it's in the game !
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Posted: 10th Feb 2016 20:56
I shall send you attachments images GameGuru with a scene from the game (normal).
And also the same stage of the game but revived with our engine activated it (using various Shader).
We see that the record is darker and more realistic. The colors make much better on the version with DynaEngine activated.
The trouble is that it slightly reduced the FPS.

Unfortunately we have rights on this engine and we can not provide it to the community. By cons I saw that there were already extensions for GameGuru works well (as the flar, the rendering of the sun with reflection on camera, etc).
But we do not use it because it is forbidden for commercial games out like Mars Explorer 2033 has a commercial purpose, you have to go through our own engine lightmapping and new Shader.

By cons, with future output DirectX 11 GameGuru on the improvements that we bring here will probably be more useful ^^

DynaEngine therefore risk of dying and of being abandoned with the arrival of DirectX 11 on GG
AlgoStep Company - Software development and 3D video games since 2006
If it's in the game, it's in the game !


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Posted: 21st Feb 2016 17:08
Looks great !!
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Posted: 24th Apr 2016 15:13
Hello everyone !

Here's the first video of "Mars Explorer 2033"

Shot entirely in 3D in GameGuru editor

Language : French
Title Trad : English

Feel free to say what you think and thank you all for your help on this project !


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AlgoStep Company - Software development and 3D video games since 2006
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Posted: 25th Apr 2016 16:27
Looks awesome! Can't wait to see more of it!
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