3rd Party Models/Media Chat / Getting weapons to show

3D Media Maker
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Posted: 27th Jan 2016 16:13
Hey all, ok well ive converted some old weapons which now show up fine with the ammo on the ground, i can pick up both the weapon and the ammo but the weapon doesnt show any ideas? thx
3D Media Maker
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Joined: 23rd Nov 2015
Playing: The Game
Posted: 27th Jan 2016 16:42
Weapon models, and weapons you use are two different things, I don't know how to make them myself but if you look in the files\gamecore\guns folder you will see the files for the weapon huds etc

I think you have to actually create a gun model, with a set of arms built into it then set the textures and stats in a gunspec file or something.

I'm usre someone more knowledgeable will be able to help you out.

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