I have a problem with the use of lod-system. In Mega-Pack 2 are located under rock cave several models. As an example I take the model "RockDepositA". The model works with lod. But since only one level exists, the model will disappear after some distance the spat lerns.
Here the FPE.
desc = Large Rock Deposit
aimain = default.lua
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = RockDepositA.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
defaultstatic = 1
materialindex = 1
textured = RockDeposit_D2.DDS
effect = effectbank\reloaded\entity_basic.fx
castshadow = 0
Now I have a model imported and wants the LOD system apply. Here my FPE.
;Saved by FPSCR Object Importer v1.000
desc = k1_0
aimain = default.lua
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = k1_0.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
scale = 140
defaultstatic = 1
materialindex = 0
textured =
effect = effectbank\reloaded\entity_basic.fx
castshadow = 0
My model is not hidden. What am I doing wrong?
Before I now make models in lod_1 and lod_2, I want to first test the system.