Third Party Tools / Fuse, can you sell your game with Fuse characters!? Adobe now own it.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2016 05:14 Edited at: 11th Jan 2016 05:18
GetOutOrDie wrote: "
I would have reccomended it a few years ago before the snakes took it.. Adobe owns this software now and you might as well just not get used to using it as creative cloud is a non-perpetual recurring license and if you're starting out making games it's far from ideal to have someone loan sharking software..

These are the license terms for creative cloud which now licenses this software the sharks hid it well.."

Saw this on steam, he may have a point.

Full post.

GetOutOrDie wrote: "I would have reccomended it a few years ago before the snakes took it.. Adobe owns this software now and you might as well just not get used to using it as creative cloud is a non-perpetual recurring license and if you're starting out making games it's far from ideal to have someone loan sharking software..

These are the license terms for creative cloud which now licenses this software the sharks hid it well..

It was a great software.. Easy to use nice interface, great textures nice skin quality.. but all good things come to a bitter end..

Sadly with the onset of Creative Cloud I'm forced to say I wouldn't reccomend this to my worst enemy.. Mixamo's project was great and a wonderful idea, Generously it was free to use and create with.. Creative cloud on the contrary is $69.99 USD per month.. So before i go into blatant detail about the way Adobe will fail because of someone's decision to gouge consumers and businesses alike here are the cons:

1.) Adobe
2.) Creative Cloud
3.) Non-Perpetual license fees
4.) Requirement to upload any and all models to adobe's site to rig a skeleton
5.) Adobe made it hard enough for me to find the licensing information on their website.. I'd hate to see contacting them
6.) Purchase of Adobe cloud as a perpetual license is not possible, Adobe desires monthly gouging..
7.) Opposed to the small company Mixamo was Adobe is a huge corporation and could care less about the small customers..
8.) All the useless software that Creative Cloud forces down your throat which they hide cost for within their monthly license fees.
9.) You never owned the software if you bought Creative Cloud, Adobe does, they're loan sharking software and frankly I'm outraged.
10.) a required Adobe Cloud connection while using mixamo to properly rig and animate the skeleton (unless you want to make the skeleton rigging yourself and just want the mesh in that case this software would be appropriate)
11.) This version is outdated and Fuse is now a part of Adobe Creative Cloud and is temporarily free to use and eventually will be swapped into the paid membership of Creative Thunderstorm..

In all No, I wouldn't reccomend this software to ANYONE now that Mixamo is gone this software may as well be moved from C:\program files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\ to Recycling Bin.. I won't support Adobe after the creative cloud disaster of 2013 and it's only gotten worse, This is sadly the end of a good software which saved me a lot of time animating and rendering texturing and assembling but it simply isn't worth $70 per month to me for this and all the other garbage Adobe throws in with CC.. No it's not worth downloading No it's not worth getting used to, Adobe is only going to steal it from you Don't use it Don't get used to it, The giant bought it and ruined it.. Surprise Surprise.. I wouldn't pay monthly for something like ths.. I don't think I can justify paying Adobe at all.. So wiith that

It was a great program, Sad to say it but it's dead.
Thanks for nothing Adobe.
5/5 on the program which Adobe had nothing to do with
0/5 on Adobe's horrendous license policy.
5/10 for MIXAMO'S WORK Give adobe the credit they deserve and tell them they've officially lost your business for wrecking this software with their corporate greed."

Does this mean it is fine to use, as long as you rig it yourself? Little confused.
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Posted: 11th Jan 2016 08:19
As far as I am aware the Fuse characters you create are your to do with as you please, unless you use the TF2 skins, then you need to seek a license from Valve. I may be wrong though but i'm sure that's what I read in the FAQ when I got Fuse.

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