Removing animation from (a) tree(s) is (relatively) easy.
You can remove it for all trees at once, after a few edits in the .fpe file(s). (and removing the DBO file)
Make sure to backup the files (you wish to edit) before you begin.
Also.. it's best to copy and rename the tree, but that only works/is handy for future instances.. not the ones that are already in your map.
What to do.. for this example i use "Tree 8 (animated).fpe" from the foliage directory
First line to edit is the effect line.. change Character_basic.fx to Entity_basic.fx
Second.. REM Resetlimbmatrix.. is of no use when it's static.. (at least this is true in my case, no distortion after LM)
Third.. REM ALL below ;Animation
desc = Tree 08 (Animated)
textured =
effect = effectbank\reloaded\entity_basic.fx
castshadow = 0
transparency = 1
cullmode = 1
model = tree08.X
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
defaultstatic = 1
materialindex = 3
collisionmode = 50
collisionscaling = 100
;resetlimbmatrix = 1
;LOD System
disablebatch = 1
lod1distance = 2500
lod2distance = 5000
strength = 25
explodable = 0
debrisshape = 1
;aiinit = appear1.lua
aimain = default.lua
;aidestroy = disappear1.lua
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
;animmax = 1
;anim0 = 0,399
;playanimineditor = 1
And yes, i also REMmed the ;AI AIInit and AIDestroy.. since these won't be used anyhow.
After saving the file, also delete tree08.dbo.. common use after changing files.. may not be needed anymore.. but old habbits die hard.
Now, if you start your map, all trees (tree08 instances in this example) will be without animation.
Textures look good (since you changed the Effect.fx line) and no distortion/scaling issues after Lightmapping.
Another workaround, but that's working with a bug i guess..
Set Playanimineditor = 0
It will stop the animation in the editor, but also in testgame the animations are stopped..
This is the bug i think.. it should animate in testgame i presume..
So.. i wouldn't recommend this quickfix, since it only works as long as the bug is in.
Last note: if steam updates your files, i don't know if your edits will be save.
So this is a fix before saving to standalone..
Or.. delete all current trees.. and use your Non animated (edited) Copy of the Animated tree..
The custom files won't be deleted or changed after steam performed it's update.
-+- There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't -+-
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