It's just that there is evidence of .fpe files supporting them already, as in this thread from the game creators forums:
An example file shows these parameters in the .fpe:
physics = 1 to turn physics on entity, 0 for off ???
phyweight = X - X equals weight of the physical properties of the entity
phyfriction = X - X equals sets the friction delta of the physical properties of the entity
explodable = X - 1 to explode, 0 not to explode
noragdoll = X - 1 not ragdoll compatible, 0 ragdoll compatible?
nothrowscript = ???
alwaysactive = X - 1 for yes, 0 for no
As you can see, they are the second and third parameters.
What I gather from this is that the .fpe has been around for a bit... as well as these parameters...
We also know that the parameters exist in game, because they can be set in the editor, and they are functional.
So the question *still stands*. Where is this information stored? It is used. It is functional. GG remembers it.
Therefore it *has* to be stored. Therefore the question of WHERE it is stored is *absolutely valid*.
Persistence in solving problems is not a crime. In fact, many consider it key to success. My expectation is that GG Devs are very supportive of helping game developers be successful when using their tools, and provide forums for precisely this purpose.