Hi Guys,
I'm looking for 3 or 4 scripts.
A statistic at the end indicating Kills, Deaths and points (or money)
A scorer, explanation:
You get 20 per Kill Doller, and more for every 5 to.
So combo points. If you lose you die Kombo points
and 28% of the money what you earned (the points is the money)
and the third script where you can display bomb places, so
like Counter Strike, or as in CoD Search and Destroy.
And but if that does not have a script where you can play against Team Team.
going I think until now only FFA.
Must not be free, am also willing to pay something.
So if you know something from the store, you can give notice like.
Win 7 - (GRAKA) AMD Readeon R9 - (RAM) 8 GB Kingston Hyper X - (CPU) AMD FX 8150 - (Mainboard) Asus M5A 97