Duplicate the script file you want to use tis for and rename it. No capitals and no spaces. You will need to change the function name inside the scripts to match your filename exact. There are 3 places. _init, _main, _exit
Then locate the following code at the bottom of the file.
if string.find(string.lower(g_Entity[e]['limbhit']), "head") ~= nil then
Change to this below and save the file, and save the level and re test.
-- if string.find(string.lower(g_Entity[e]['limbhit']), "head") ~= nil then
-- SetEntityHealth(e,0)
-- ResetLimbHit(e)
-- end
This will put it back to the way it was where it could take 2 or 3 shots to kill the AI depending on the weapon strength.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit