Quote: "but then again when you watch the twitch Lee talks about being able to complete full game in minutes... This is the result :p"
Yes, I think you nailed it with that Statement, smallg.
Although I am in no mood to defend Mookai for the game itself, I think he got a Little bit savaged too much here:
* "ripping people off" - well, almost anything adorned with a Santa cap on at this time of the year IS usually a rip-off,
be it Sweets/beverages/toys/ what have you - and really everybody is aware of it. One could even see the santa cap
as an outright declaration of his product in that respect.
* "Copyright" - he clearly stated early on steam that he had acquired sufficient rights on his assets, clearly showing that he had set his mind on the matter, he had never uttered something like "found it on the Internet, could download it, so it must be free". In this viéw, even if he had misunderstood what he had acquired, that'd be solely his Problem, it doesn't get better through harassing him on the matter.
* "Bad Treatment of steam "
contributors" - certainly true for projecting his view of the mental agility of this guy who was furious to prove that Mookai is really another Person onto "[all] Canadians", the latter part really Needs an explicit excuse to "the Canadians", except to the direct Opponent who really made a nuisance out of himself, showing off considerable d*mbness in the course of the discussion .
What irritated me most was the accusation of "using models from the store" instead of building his own or " at least re-texturing those he acquired". If THAT is a justified Statement, then I don't know what good the stores (including -say- Arteria and the likes ) can be other than ripping off budding young developers, since obviously, although paying for the stuff, they are only "allowed" by some obscure "developers' high morale" to Show games to their immediate Family and friends at best, but never "in the wild". Not sure about individual conditions, but I doubt that acquiring a model even from the TGC shop entitles buyers to "retexture" what they bought - another "fine" Occasion to open the next Copyright discussion on a game.
Looking at the marvellous stuff that guys like rolfy or wolf and some others here are offering, I dare say it would take a lot to "make their stuff better" by retexturing, thus, "trying is dying" herer. And even between These guys, I see that all of them have their Special field in which they really excel, thus, the ability to find someone who is all of them rolled into one is most unlikely, and if only such a super-designer ( who,
of course, prolly also needs to be a master in coding etc.) may attempt "greenlighting" anything, well ....
Yes, what I described IS the extreme opposite of what Mookai did, but it IS the Spirit that came out from the utterances of Mookai's two main opponents.
And, in a lighter vein, in almost every voting on GG Games on steam that I saw, at least one contibutor assigned the game to Unity, not GG
. Does this mean that Unity also gets pulled into the maelstroem by each bad games made with GG ?
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