Both you guys are missing the point slightly, DLC's for example gets done by a 3rd party artist, with mo affiliation to TGC, it doesn't affect the voting list in any way nor would it affect how long before the next item on the list gets done.
Many things on the list works like a double edge sword, for example the work on the DX11, a lot of it isn't purely about graphics, it is also about the rendering pipeline , so while some thing is much further down the list it directly ties in with current set of code being worked on.In order to satisfy users that they are going by the list, would you expect them to stop that code and move on to some thing unrelated,? that is a very messy way of going about things,
It is unfortunately a freak of nature, while voting priority says one thing coding would say some thing else, as many things on that list directly ties into DX 11, why shouldn't lee for example tackle the lift, ladders, and related to that section of code be in one swoop.
I he was to do DX11 and suddenly included the platformer game feature on the list, there would be need to cry foul.
While it seems unfair, but if you want broken or messy code, lets do one item at a time, regardless of code related things on that list, that said things should normalize after the DX11 update.Should remind you as well that both performance and DX11 was never on the list and was planned way before the voting feature came into affect.If they were to start on the water world DLC tomorrow it would be of no consequence as it will be done by an artist and not a programmer and has zero effect on the outcome of it, it also a reminder that content takes time, it needs to be created needs to be tested, fixed, changed ect, and then resubmitted for testing, 3 months could have passed by that time.
Would you rather wait they start with it when it's next on the list wait 3 months for it to be completed and then move onto the next item, it is also Xmas, so TGC will likely want to get it out the door before then.They will be updating the fantasy DLC as well as the death valley DLC, likely before xmas if testing goes well.
It is simply just a fluke.
Win7 pro, Intel 2500K @3.7ghz 660GTX 8gig ram 16tb HDD