Product Chat / Have a couple questions.

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Posted: 19th Nov 2015 16:12
Hey guys, I just purchased Game Guru the other day (haven't really had a chance to really mess with it yet) as I am mainly working with Unity3D.

But I plan to come into Gameguru (I used to own FPS Creator back when it first came out). And push my market to selling scripts, shaders, etc.

Now that leads me to a few questions.

Does GameGuru take custom Shaders?
Does it have PBR Built into it or is it coming soon? (It don't look PBR) but nevertheless I just glanced at it for a moment.
Does anyone know any good Lua scripting tutorials (made FOR GameGuru)?

I come from Unity3d and years of Visual Studio C#/C++ but Lua seems to take a different approach than I am accustomed too.
Seeing the little Asset Store for GameGuru made me quickly purchase it to start making Complete Systems to put on the Store.
Now it just comes down to actual GameGuru tutorials - as this LUA is a whole different approach than I am used to.
Just the way everything is done, or is there a way to get C#/C++ into GameGuru? I prefer C# though.

Leads me to another just in-general question, does GameGuru LUA let you mess with Quaternions,Vectors, etc via script?

Sorry for all the questions guys/gals - Just trying to get an understanding on how GG works because I jump off into the deep end and get over my head lol.

Oh and when I was running the Editor what is that Green Bar at the top left of Editor Screen? Is that like Memory consumption or something? I couldn't figure out what it was, the editor ran kinda slow but in game - no issues. I did have a few crashes though - doing absolutely nothing but on Firefox.

My system specs are -

AMD 8 Core 5.0Ghz
8 Gigs Ram (yes I know I need to upgrade lol).
Gfx Card - Radeon R9 290

Oh and one last question - sense this isn't technically FPS Creator anymore - can this be used to make 3rd person games?
Scene Commander
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Posted: 20th Nov 2015 06:27
Hi N1WarHead,

Firstly welcome to our community.

As GameGuru is still a developing product, much of what you ask isn't fully functioning or is a planned feature, however:

1) - Yes you can add your own shaders, but in some cases you will need to override the existing ones - We will be expanding on this in a future update.

2) - PBR isn't in as we are integrating DirectX11as our next major update in the New Year, so yes, it is coming soon.

3) - Lua is a basic scripting language and covers such things as arrays, maths, etc with additional scripting access to GameGuru features. We do plan some major updates to the GameGuru side of scripting soon. You can find a list of GameGuru Lua commands here: - We don't have plans to support any version of C at present, but who knows what the future will hold.

We do support a limited 3rd Person mode, check out the Fantasy level for more information.

The Green Bar is indeed the memory consumption used by the level.

You can see our public voting board here and we plan to add all of these features (As well as over 100 that we will be adding to the voting list once we've cleared few others.). :

I hope that's answered your questions.
i7-4770s 3.10ghz - Geforce GTX 650ti
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Posted: 20th Nov 2015 11:11
Thank you Scene Commander.

You answered all my questions just fine.

But that leads me to one more question now haha.
All the features you all plan on making, can any of them be implemented by me before y'all make them?
I'm trying to expand my business into a fresh new market and also - There's a big ol saying on Unity forums
("You can make more money selling shovels to Gold Miners").

So I'm trying to expand my business to a new fresh market, better sooner than later right? lol.
I see your feature list stuff, but then that comes to the next question, how soon do you plan on having
100% of it done? Because if it's E.G. > 6 months down the road - no sense in trying to get some of that done
(Which isn't a problem) - I'll just have to take a different route - which is fine.

Sorry for just mentioning figures here (money).
This is just how I make my living from day to day - making and selling products.
I loved FPSC so I figured I'd give this a shot especially when I saw the Script market is still really fresh and new.

8 Core AMD 5.0Ghz
8 Gigs Ram
Gfx Card - Radeon R9 290 4 Gigs.
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2015 15:12
Great question N1warhead, and it just so happens we came to the same conclusion when looking at the current voting board (and also the suggested features still be to added to the board since we launched it). Our solution is to expand the LUA system to externalise all game engine elements and give every user access to these core mechanisms. This of course means you can write scripts that can take almost full control of the game, and more importantly allow you to introduce new features without waiting on the core team to do them in order. It will take a short while to get the 'LUA Architecture' up to speed and fully removed from the current hard-coded approach, but we feel this is the way we ensure a good flood of features in the months and years to come.
PC SPECS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, Intel Core i7 920 (PASSMARK:5008), NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT GPU (PASSMARK:752) , 6GB RAM

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