My knowledge is noob level. What I'm trying to accomplish is similar to what Gtox did with his Sci-Fi construction pack.
The devs have stated that the goal will eventually be an infinite world space. So if I were to say, construct a massive castle out prefab block units, with over 100 rooms and that was accessible through an open gate/door, I'm not sure how you would hide the interior as it would be part of the same world space as the exterior.
Place that castle in the center of a town of 25 houses, all with accessible interiors, and well, this is where my concern comes from.
My only experience with game construction so far has been with modding using the (admittedly advanced) engine used with Skyrim.
With the creation kit I could fashion interiors directly connected with the exterior, and also interiors which were their own world space, connected with a load door.
I do not have any OOP training. I possess only a vague comprehension as to when scripting needs use, and my experience with GG is still very new, which is why I asked if capabilities for placing load assets (markers) were already coded in, or if we could expect this functionality in the future. Also if changes made during game play in world spaces remain consistent from previous encounters when revisiting them.
Perhaps the devs plan a very different mechanic for handling this, or have no plan to make world spaces recyclable.
I honestly don't know, and my newness to both GG and the ongoing engine development may be contributing to my not thinking about this from the right direction, or asking the correct questions.
I'm sorry if I asked in the wrong thread... As I'm creating assets, this seemed the place. Chances are I wouldn't understand anything said in the scripting thread.
BTW - I love your work. My hope is to match your skill level in time.