Product Chat / Game music loop and credits music overlap

Len the man
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Joined: 12th Jun 2015
Posted: 12th Oct 2015 17:32
I was recently working on the second level of my game where I looped some music to play while you made your way through the game, but at the end of the level I put in a win zone and story zone in the same place where the story zone played my ending credits roll with theme music... The problem was that the game music and the credits theme music overlapped and were both playing at the same time. I could not figure out a way to get the game music loop to stop so the credits music would not overlap with it.

Do I need to make a script for a trigger zone to stop the game music loop?

Do I need to make a script that will do this?

Is there a script to stop a music loop in the GG store, or is this something that will be fixed in a future update of GG?

Does anybody have any ideas to help me with this problem?

I'm not sure what section of the forum to put this question... Please forgive me if it's in the wrong section.

Moderaters... you can feel free to put this in another section if it's in the wrong section.
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Posted: 12th Oct 2015 18:47
depends how you are looping the game music, i assume from a soundzone?
you'll need to add a variable that stores the 'e' of the zone and then call StopSound() using the 'e' and the slot from the zone

something like this

life\'s one big game

windows vista ultimate

i5 @3.3ghz, 4gb ram, AMD R9 200 series , directx 11
Len the man
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Joined: 12th Jun 2015
Posted: 12th Oct 2015 20:16 Edited at: 12th Oct 2015 20:24
Looks like the script worked perfectly...

Thanks you very much for the help...

I think I will put your name ("smallg") in my ending credits roll as a script consultant.

I never thought I could learn to work with scripts so well. This is a small miracle for me.

BTW - I am in the WIP section of the forum under the heading "Cowboy Shootout". Your nickname "smallg" will appear in the next version of my demo at the ending credits roll.

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