Hmm ok, Lets try these setting for metric and see if they will work for you. These work great in GameGuru right now.
Attached cube files below.
In editor shot:
Blender setup shot:
Let me know. I dont know what to say, after a lot of trial and error, this one worked for metric settings.
Set the unit type to metric and the scale and then add a cube and scale it to the 2.54 meters, Map it or texture it. export it, and import into GG or just do it by hand and edit an fpe file.
One more note. I started with a fresh blender scene each try till I got it.
Another note is Blender suggests that you set the scene scale and units first, then delete the base cube and then start adding your new geometry, so as the new stuff is representative of the units and scale you have set.
Comments welcome on this subject. I will start to do more complicated stuff and see what things may come up along the way.
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