3rd Party Models/Media Chat / Anyone have insight on locating skybox panoramic images.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2015 00:11 Edited at: 17th Sep 2015 00:12
I have found images for panoramic skies at "CGSKIES" that allow me to create some rather dramatic skyboxs using "BIXORAMA" to create the 6 individual images required for my directx file. These are not free images but I don't mind the cost if only I were able to sell the skybox that I build. I can include the skybox in any games I make and sell but not as a stand alone. I am aware that a few people making assets for GU have obviously solved this problem. Any one have guidance as to how I can do a similar thing. Where do I find suitable images (I don't mind paying for them). I want images that when I include them in a skybox I will be able to sell the product. Are others doing their own panoramic photography? I am not trying to replicate the work being done by others. I want to create my own unique concepts but need a solution to the panoramic image problem.
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Mrs Baird
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2015 18:27 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2015 21:22
I'd also would love to know an answer to this otherwise excellent question...


I just posted a question on how to create a panoramic terrain with Bryce 7 (should be up any minute) and also stumbled over Bixorama. Still, I was hoping to be able to create the SkyBox just with the 360° image created in Bryce and a little bit of Photoshop-tweakery...

And hopefully being able to use this in order to quick-test the SkyBoxes:
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2015 22:56 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2015 23:14
skyboxes are six images....front, back, left, right, up and down which should stitch seamlessly. Normally a 3d app uses a 90 degree FOV and 90 degree rotations for rendering of skyboxes. Bryce, if I remember correctly, uses an odd FOV and is something like 112.5, this may have changed since I last used it many years ago so you will have to check it out. Panorama renders are for use on sky spheres which GG doesn't support as yet. You could create a sphere model and texture this to use as an entity within your level.

The main reason I dropped Bryce even though it is an easy to use little bit of software was the render engine being a donkey and takes hours to render out anything decent, it is all the same a product which is fun to use if your new to it all.

Quote: "These are not free images but I don't mind the cost if only I were able to sell the skybox that I build. I can include the skybox in any games I make and sell but not as a stand alone"

You have essentially answered your own question here.
I am not sure of the licensing on your converted panorama images if you intend to sell them as skyboxes unless you heavily modify them.Even then it may be a difference of opinion on how much you do modify. If you simply convert from panorama to box then it may not be enough to justify it, usually these type of images could only be included in a game or rendered image if you intend to sell it on regardless of whether you paid for them or not. It is always better to create your own to be certain.

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