Scripts / (GameGuru Lua Scripts (Spawning Waves Of Zombies) | ForThePeopleStudios) Release and Tut Rev 0.1

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2015 20:46
Hey guys i been working on this for a bit and i though i would share the love.
the code its self is in the description of the video give it a watch so you can learn how to make
a call of duty zombies game.

GameGuru Lua Scripts (Spawning Waves Of Zombies) | ForThePeopleStudios

GameGuru scripts for free!
The Scripts Are In The Description Below!
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Posted: 4th Sep 2015 20:45
very good! - took me quite some time to get my head around it at first. It worked very well once I got the scripts and snippets in the right places.

there will be a lot of other things that people can do based on this script.

I'm guessing we could spawn waves of soldiers, critters etc, as well as spawn in weapons or any other entity and so Its given me some great ideas, like spawning building entities or doors to dynamically alter the players route through a map etc.
And it has taught me a little more about Lua and how GG works. Spent about three hours playing with it last night, and it was time well spent.

Thank you very much indeed for sharing this, and good luck with your funding. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more from FTP studios

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Posted: 5th Sep 2015 18:35
np and thanks

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