Hello! Here are some new screenshots that showcase some of the new media being developed for this pack. You will notice that I have created smooth curved sections for the roads. I will say, this is pack allow you to build really nice cityscapes, if you put the time in to populate the scene. The screenshots you will see below are from a quick scene I made in 10 minutes, using various assets that I have lying around. I will expand my city buildings after this pack is finished, that way there are more options to create cities. You can really see the effect of Game Guru's most recent graphical upgrades here, specifically depth of field and also the vignette. I am very happy with the media of this pack, and I hope there are others out that who's games could benefit with the media. See screenshots below.
Some notable additions, you may have seen on the store already but here they are:
Sewers, Grates and manholes. Wooden Telephone lines, multiple versions. The road barrier has been expanded to accommodate a curved road.
The way the road is built is in sections, and you can drag and drop pieces and interchange them. For example, there is a crosswalk piece, and also there will be a piece that has a massive hole cut in the middle, for you to create a hole in the road. More dirty and grime entities will be included as well. Let me know your thoughts! I would like to hear more thoughts on what you would like to see in this pack!
@Tarkus1971 Thanks!! Glad to hear about your excitement for the pack!! I hope it will serve you well in your games!!