Hello everyone !
I propose to design a script to automatically set up the ladder by pressing "E" for example.
Principle of LUA script:
Name: ladder.lua
Description: The player stands in front of the ladder. A message "Press E to mount" appears. Once the "E" is pressed the player alone rises with the size of the scale.
So I think we should change the gravity (or something like that) that would allow the player to get on the Y axis for a time programmed in advance.
Example: If the scale must be a certain size then calculating the time to get on the Y axis (imagine that four seconds is necessary). After 4 seconds gravity returns to normal. Thus the player will no longer move has to reach the top of the ladder.
Of course given the time will add 0.5 seconds to prevent the player from falling back.
In human language script would give her this:
Input variable "ladderclimb = 0"
{Display message "Press E to climb the ladder"}
Variable value changed "ladderclimb = 1"
If the variable "ladderclimb = 1" then modifies Gravity = 0
Pressing a button (automatically): "SPACE" (for which the player can jump which will give the impulse jump Gravity zero)
Duration: 4.5 seconds (4500ms)
{Hidden message}
Then: Gravity = 100
Finally: return of the variable "ladderclimb = 0"
The return of the variable can be traced back again across (and so on).
If someone expert enough in LUA language can help us design a scale usable & then it is welcome
I prepare the 3D scale of 5 different ways (because time cancellation of gravity depends on the size of the scale, so it takes more than one).