Scripts / Inventory System (With Custom Images)

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Posted: 30th Jul 2015 12:29
As you may be aware I am writting an RPG system that includes questing system too Read me on the forum @

I Quickly came to see that I would need to write a Inventory system for my project, and wanted to share up the results for feedback / review / ideas ect

Please see the youtube video for a basic in-game (test mode) demo

You can also see attached some screen shots to show the basic layout / working, the code supports Images for each item, currently items have a number, name, description and image.

The software has a function for AI / alike to see if a player has a given item, to remove an item, so maybe you have to get a health pack for someone, you give it to them, it gets removed from your inventory and code to add items based on their item number.

I am going to add in a weight and cost code, even if not used in all games, this can be used to help sell items, buy items in the future.

Please provide any comments / feedback and ideas

Thank you


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Posted: 30th Jul 2015 14:01

The system now supports chests, the basic script for the chest stores the items, the investory script controls the display, collection / adding items.

Pleasee youtube video @ for my basic working demo.

As always, feedback, comments are all welcome!
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 30th Jul 2015 19:21
Nice. Great job.
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Posted: 30th Jul 2015 20:43
Thank you Pirate Myke, I am still coding away to improve the system got a new full demo video working

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Posted: 1st Aug 2015 02:04
Great work as usual, have been checking progress on a daily basis and I'm really looking forward to giving this a try for myself. Just fantastic.
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Posted: 1st Aug 2015 07:20 Edited at: 1st Aug 2015 07:21
Now that's what I call a REAL RPG SETUP, congratulations on your coding so far, I would definitely purchase this Script, when it has been perfected.

May I ask why you didn't make the video with the Third Person Setup, which I feel is more in keeping with the script ?.

Keep up the good work.
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Posted: 1st Aug 2015 08:11
Thank you Nathan38 for your support!

Aslo thank you ozziedave! regarding your video, i honestly did not think of that but I will make sure that next time my video are setup in a way to keep in with the script

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Posted: 1st Aug 2015 12:03
Update: Invenstory is now loaded from a inventory.csv file, the reason for this is because I know that not everyone is happy with programming / coding,

the CSV File is a simple format that allows anyone to edit it via notepad ect, the script will load the file and scan for the items, building the items database automatic without extra work on the Game Maker Part, the first version (old version) had the code in the lua file, I feel the new system helps speed up adding items to the game itself

Example of CSV file:

1,Key, A Basic Door Key,0,0,0,1,misc

ItemNumber, Basic Layout: Name, Description, Image Number, Price, Weight, Can Sell, Category

I may look into moving quests to the same system to help speed up development work too

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Posted: 1st Aug 2015 13:03
I'm not the most savvy with coding, so I really like this set up you've got going. I have a suggestion actually, would it be possible to have some kind of multiple choice dialogue system, similar to the fallout or mass effect games?
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Posted: 1st Aug 2015 14:41
Hello Nathan38,

I do plan to write and setup a dialog system, I have just been updating my RPG code to use external cvs file too and an extra panel to show skill information, so not just a name and number, you have a new side box too that includes the name and description for each skill.

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Posted: 1st Aug 2015 17:17
Hi Nathan38,

I have created the base Dialog system, please see link below for test,

Youtube link @

It is a multi select system, so you can have as many choices / sub choices as you wish! its all fun and good system also supports a picture to give it a better feel when talking to AI (as can be seen by the Video), Note I have removed the small bug regarding where the images flashes when I select option 1

Text / Choices are setup very easy, the Dialog system is a stand alone system that can be used for anything, the code returns the selected choices to the AI script so you could have a "Accept" option that your AI script detects the number for it and then assigns a Quest to the player ect

Hope this is what you wanted! let me know

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Posted: 1st Aug 2015 23:14
Getting better all the time: Glad to see you getting into the spirit of RPG with the video.
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2015 02:38
That's exactly what I was talking about Paul, that's a fantastic job you've done there. Just like ozziedave said, getting better all the time. I hope you let us try it ourselves soon. Really good job, keep it up!
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2015 08:10
Thank you ozziedave!

Nathan38, I am glad I got it correct for you! I have some more work to do to make sure it all works smoothly together, I also have some upgrading to do on some of the code to make it better to use for everyone.

I should be a week or so before I have the first full beta version up and running for you all, i will try not to keep you all waiting too much longer

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2015 11:18

Chest used to list each item, so if you had two gold, it would display both gold as unique "items", it now displays the items with the amount, saving space.

so 500 gold, is now Gold (500), ect.

You are now able to sell via shops too, shops support a sell price system, so the "fixed" price for an object can be unique selling at different shops, so a sword worth 100, could be sold for 25 at one shop, 50 at a different shop!

Shops can be limited to the items they buy, based on item category, so Food shops only buy / sell food items, ect

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2015 02:51
Fantastic, thanks for the update, Paul I really like the shop ideas you've created, very cool. I actually had an idea for another system, I'm not sure how hard this would be to do, but I'll explain and see what you think.

My idea is a faction/reputation system, lets say we have two factions, Faction A and Faction B.
If I kill members of Faction B, my standing with Faction A increases, and vice versa. This can be the same for quests, completing quests for Faction A will reduce my standing with Faction B and vice versa.

You could have set levels where depending on your standing with a certain faction, they behave differently towards you, and having a certain standing may unlock special quests that can only be accepted once you have a certain level of reputation with said faction.

For example;
+300 - Trustworthy
+200 - Friendly
+100 - Acquaintance
= 0 - Neutral
- 100 - Uneasy (won't shoot on sight)
- 200 - Enemy (will shoot on sight)
- 300 - Vilified

Let's say I need 200 reputation to take a quest, I'd need to complete other quests to work my way up to this quest.

I think this is a good idea for people that want to make an RPG style game where multiple sides are fighting, this can make for some interesting gameplay decisions for the player. I hope you consider my idea

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2015 06:54
Hi Nathan38,

The sounds like a great system, and it would be easy to do, and something I will work on for you, How AI deals with you is easy, although it would require it's own script to handle in the respects of the normal AI scripts but still possible OR a small insert of code into the standard AI files that over-rides their normal behavoir towards you depending on faction level ect.

I will tie this into the crime system I wanted to build too where if you become "wanted" a guard AI will come after you, to arrest you at a level or just kill you at a higher level or make you pay gold to make your wanted level go away or to move you to a jail, maybe lose some RPG skills,

I will try and start this today, although have afew other plans so cant promise anything, but will get an update for you asap

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2015 16:34
Factions are up and working, the player can see a list of joined groups, their "reputation" and a description for each group,

AI can check membership, can check reputation, also can check for dislike membership, so you dont have to run a check on all dislikes ect, you can check for a given dislike directly or all dislikes to see if the player is a member of any of them.

Scripts can add, remove a fraction membership, join / leave groups

I will make this script support images so each guild has a icon / image for the group

Video to come later
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2015 18:33
Demo of basic guild system:

Guilds have a name, description and I plan to make it use images too, the script is a stand alone script OR can be used along with questing, rpg or the dialog system to give a more complete game play, the demo video uses just its own code.

Script allows AI to add player to a guild and a start reputation, default is 0, or to remove a player from a guild, AI can check membership of a guild and get a players rep for a guild

The system supports dislike and likes for guilds, in my demo Warlocks hate vampires, to save on multi lines of code for each AI to check for all "dislikes" and if you added a new dislike you would have to update each AI script, SO to fix this the system has a dislike check system, you can check directly for a dislike, so warlocks and vampires OR there is a function that scans for dislikes and returns any matches,

so if Warlocks hated vampires, Knights ect the script would return IF the player was a member of any of the disliked groups, again this should save time and problems compared to having to run the checks yourself via multi lines of code for each AI, this method requires one command if you want to use it and can update the central script with likes and dislikes

Functions also include the ability to improve or remove guild rep with any value, as you can see from the demo when I join the vampires and talk to the Warlock guild they don't llike me and my guild rep for Warlock drops to a negative number,

Because of the simple call functions you could make is to a negative rep causes the person to attack the player or alike.

A Massive thank you to Nathan38 for the idea, Hopefully this is on the right tracks for their view of it!

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2015 18:58
Well that was quick, that's amazing! That's pretty much bang on the money, I really like the menu you've got where you can scroll through the different factions, is it possible to do something like that for in-progress quests? Fantastic work Paul!

Also if you need another idea, a quest waypoint system, which shows the direction and distance objectives are away from the player?

Really good work Paul, keep it up!
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2015 21:21
Hi Nathan38,

I am glad that the software matches what you are after I can upgrade the quest system to display the same style, so you can see info on each quest without making it 'active'

Waypoints are hmm, possible yes! It may be possible to get a small direction system going, i was thinking a minimap system too but that might be very complex, but i do want to write a map display system as I feel this would have great value, a map with key points and a person marker too to show your location relative to other key items, plus possible quest locations too and alike.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2015 00:16
Nice one, thanks for the update Paul. I'll leave that part up to you because this is your project and I don't want to intrude on it and start putting my idea's in when you have your own, but I really like the idea of a minimap too. So I'll just let you carry on and say that your work so far has been excellent and that I can't wait to see what you do next. I'll still be coming back on a daily basis though. Keep up the good work mate
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Posted: 4th Aug 2015 08:55
Hi Nathan38,

It's all good, i welcome comments, feedback and ideas, I want my scripts to be open ended, i.e they do not force you to work in one way, my scripts all work on their own, I did not want to force a game maker to have all the items, when they only want guilds, or the dialog system or quest system ect, they can all work together or equally they can just be themselves and that I feel is the goal, the 2nd part is to make sure that things are custom for game makers, letting people use images, ect to tailor the software to their game, so it feels part of the game ect.

I do plan to work on a minimap system and a crafting / cooking style system too, once theses are both done I plan to start throwing together demo videos for each system and gettign them up ready for release, each one will have a read-me document that talks about the script and provides a written help, demo videos via youtube to help people too.

I will try and keep the forum updated with all my process

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Posted: 4th Aug 2015 09:12

Really great job!
We begin to see a real inventory where you can see lots of things !
I love !!

However a small question: when can we buy your script on the Store GameGuru?

Thank you again and good luck for the development of the inventory
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Posted: 4th Aug 2015 10:25
Hi Devcore35,

I am currently in the process of finishing off script work, I am writing up documents to help people and doing videos to help users learn how to use the scripts / items,

I am aiming this for next week at the latest, I have a range of scripts that all work alone and can be used together, so the process is alittle slow, plus expanding code into new parts too, as you can see from the first posts it started as RPG script with skills, and now includes a questing system, dialog system, Guilds, Inventory system, shopping and other elements, not including things that I have yet to write (mini map ect)

I do not wish to keep you all waiting too much longer, as with the demo and forum posts, it is like hanging a carrot infront of you lol, just want to get it done right the first time to not dissapoint people!

Side note: I already have afew ideas to help improve the scripts

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Posted: 4th Aug 2015 13:12
Great thank you
We all looked forward to this super script !
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Posted: 4th Aug 2015 14:29
You're most welcome, and thank you to everyone for their support, I am trying to work out the best method of sale, each script does work alone, but all work together too, so I suspect I will get each script added asw unique items and then offer them as a bundle together, i dont want people having 10 scripts when they need only 1 or 2 ect, not sure for price at moment, wont be alot as I know many people don't have alot of money when it comes to making games.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2015 03:36
Hi Paul, hope you're well.

Just checking in, you got any news for us? Can't wait to see more of your work!
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Posted: 10th Aug 2015 08:39
Hi Nathan38,

I am still here lol, just had some busy days at home so not had enough time to sit and work as I wanted to, sorry for that, will get some work done today all going well.

Although I do have an update for the investory system, I was testing the system and created 50 items for a demo, and wanted to see what it looks like if i had 1 of all 50 items, the display ran over the box, so I have made a new scroll though system that lets you have any amount of items without looking strange


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Posted: 10th Aug 2015 21:33
will there be a stamina and weights added to this so the higher the stamina the more you can carry.? very impressed with your work. my hat is off to you
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Posted: 11th Aug 2015 02:54
Excellent, thanks for the update!

I had a burning question that I've been meaning to ask for a couple of days now.

The inventory menu, and the guild menu, are those editable? in terms of their looks? or is that just how they are?
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Posted: 11th Aug 2015 08:04
@Science boy, items already have a "weight" but it is upto you, how you wish to use / apply this.

The RPG stats can have / be anything you want, this can include stamina, ect

@Nathan38, yes and no are the answers, if your happy to edit LUA, then you are free to move things around, although getting things lined up can be a process of edit / test / edit / test ect ect I do plan to update the scripts when done / tested / bug fixed (if required) to support images for the panel, so you / anyone can use an image for the background rather than the fixed panel right now, this again might require you to edit / move things around ether to line up picture ect with the background image or re-edit background image to be in line with current layout.

I wanted to keep the process simple, hence keeping the panels for now, the panel format means you can make stuff fast, and then when you are done with editing items, quests, what ever you want and are happy you can worry about making it look all suitable

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Posted: 25th Aug 2015 19:26
any news?
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Posted: 26th Aug 2015 10:46
yeah a lot of people have probably put inventory system and quests etc. at a lower need due to this thread, an update would be appreciated?
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Posted: 13th Sep 2015 00:36
Hope this script is still coming

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