Third Party Tools / Attention Store sellers, comes a new tool called "GSR"

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2015 00:50 Edited at: 28th Jul 2015 09:58
Well, firts of all, excuse my "high school english level"

I've developed a tool called GSR, the idea is to make life a little easier to Store sellers.
When I got my first models to the store, I noticed that you has to do a great previous work, and I thought of the vendors who have to upload 100 or more models; this

led me to think that needed a tool to automate this process, and make it a little less difficult.

Working with a single model.
What it does:

Step 1- Allows you create the fpe file using a template based on the type of model you want to upload. If for example you want to upload a basic item such as, wooden

box, a barrel, a house, or a building, GSR uses the template of "building 1 (Building pack) model" .

There are templates for the following models:

Basic Item, Animate item, Advanced FPE File, Character, Third person, Ammo, Weapon, Animated tree, Multi-texture item.

You must find the Paths of their corresponding folders, which you use for your model.
If for example you upload a "wooden box" entity, no sounds, non scripts, then you need only specify the path to "entitybank" folder.

GSR cover the following dirs:
entitybank, scriptbank, audiobank, effectbank.

GSR using the template for your model, generates the fpe file, based on the settings of your model.
Anyway you can edit fpe file, even save it, in GSR editor.

Step 2- GSR automatically Create necessary folders based, on the store's directories structure. (please refer to the video below)

Step 3- Create zip file. You are going now to compress all the necessary dirs into one zip file. So please, set the correspondint paths (Source, destination paths).
When you are done so press the button labeled "Generate zip file". Check destination folder to be safe.

Step 4 (optional) - You can make images ready for store, resizing them as store demand, (150x150 and 1000x563, ignore why does not 1000x562 as it should be).


a- Many buttons start/remain disabled till you fill the necessary fields.
b- You firts has to set and option (basic item, animate item, and so fort), in order to enable folder paths buttons.(Get item folder path, and so on)

I've create a folder in desktop called "Store item seller", inside this folder I've created a rootfolder called "wooden box", inside this one I've stored all the neccesary files, sucha as: x, fpe, d, n, s, bmp, lua, fx, and wav files.

Here I try to cover all the possibilities, but maybe you only need "entitybank folder".

Now you are ready to open GSR and start working with.

Important: "Store item seller" is a neccessary folder for GSR, so is a good practice create it in desktop, and store there all your models folders, like example above, (myhouse, myhorse, mybox, etc). Is better for GSR job, is better for you to have them together and eazy to find them.

Is hight important you create "Store item seller" folder in your Desktop, avoiding write/read files permissions issues, in windows.

Working with a lot of files (100+)
Suppose you have to upload to the store a lot of models with their corresponding files, this is a great job; GSR well with this will only be a few clicks.
You only need to select the folder that contains these directories, press the button labeled
"Select Folder" and GSR automatically fill the ListBoxes with all subfolders, and also create the appropriate folders, as required by the store, respecting the structure indicated files.

When GSR is done, you'll get as example: assuming you've folders called, myhouse, myhorse, mybox, etc.
Well you'll get a folder called "myhouse" and subfolders such as: entitybank, effectbank, audiobank, and scriptbank, (of course assuming you've used all them).
Also folders like audiobank, effectbank, and scriptbank, them all will have folder called as your "store user name", IE: scriptbank\3com\myscript.lua.

When you've done, so press button labeled "Generate zip files", and GSR will generate all the zip files, and store them in their corresponding folder. IE: myhouse\, myhorse\ and so forth.


Resize bunch of pics
As you already know, you've to upload screenshots too (150x150 and 1000x563 in size), if you've 1 or 2 models for upload, this is not a problem, but what's if you`ve a bunch of them?
Well GSR also take care of this, just select Rootfolder, GSR will fill the ListBox with corresponding picture paths, and resize them in both sizes (150x150 and 1000x563 ) and store them in their corresponding folder. IE: continue with above example, the pic called "myhouse_150x150" and "myhouse_1000x563" will be store inside folder called "MyHouse", so it will be very easy to find them later.

Please refer to the vid, it help to get the point better.


Sure I had missed something, please give me all the feedbacks, ideas, what you could add, remove, or change.

I'm developing this tool in "Windows 8.1, VS 2010 express", so I had to download "VS professional 2013 trial version", to make installer.


Quote: "Working with "framework 4.5", so maybe you'll need to download it from microsoft site."


Quote: "Run GSR as admin. Billy has decided to bother with permissions that only annoy users, but hackers "

Make installer will be the last step, because perhaps someone have an interisting and necessary feature to add, or some change feedback, so please, feel free to make all the suggestion you want.


Quote: "Sorry but I missed included help file (Tutorial.rtf) into the executable, so you've to add it manually. Please add the folder name "Tutorial how to", into the GSR folder."

Thanks to all you, for watching my vid, and for try to understand what hell I'm saying here. LOL

I'll done a video tuto, it'll help to get the point better, than me.

Please tell me if you've some issue with GSR, or if you've any question about how to.

Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz

OS: Windows 8.1 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics


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Posted: 22nd Jul 2015 00:52 Edited at: 28th Jul 2015 10:35

working with bunch of dirs

Resize bunch of pics

Thanks for watching videos

Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz

OS: Windows 8.1 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2015 19:21
oh this looks handy
i7 -2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz - Windows 7 - 8GB RAM - Nivida GeForce 420 GT
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2015 20:18
Thanks 3com, very handy

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2015 21:01
Thanks guys
Anyway perhaps I'll remove "Resize pics" feature, since it is not necessary now, because the new store feature already do the trick.

Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz

OS: Windows 8.1 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics

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Posted: 28th Jul 2015 10:39
In order to simplify the process of working with a single model, and make it easier for the end user, I decided to modify the process, please see the video above called "Working with single model and delete bin, dbo".

The main post has changed and reflects the changes made to the software.
It also contains the link to download GSR.

Although the store has a tool to resize the pictures, I decided to keep this feature.

Although time has passed and no one has made any suggestion, I decided to keep GSR as a beta version, perhaps to use someone has an idea or two.

Thank you for using this tool, I hope it helps to save time and labor.

Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz

OS: Windows 8.1 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics


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