I figured I'd Post this as its own thread. If you want to use in Xbox360 controller to test your games while you wait for the official version here's how:
1. If you don't have the Xbox360 controller drivers you need to go here and click support then download them:
2. Next you need to download and install glovepie found here:
3. Download the script below and open it with glovepie. Have your controller plugged in and click and run (at the top center of glovepie)
Now you have a working Xbox360 controller for game guru.
Here is the button layout
RB = sprint
LB = reload
RT = fire
Y = use
B = crouch
X = reload (alternate)
A = jump
Left stick = movement
Right stick = camera
DPAD = weapon select 1-4
If you wanna change any of the buttons all you need to do is change the name of the key at the beginning of the line of code. For example:
key.space = XInput1.A // - A Button
This is from the script. At the beginning it says "key.space" equals "xinput1.a" which is the "A" button. So basically every time you pressed space the "A" button is being pressed the same way. If you wanted the "A" button to make you reload instead you would change the beginning "key.space" to "key.r" so your code would look like this:
key.r = XInput1.A // - A Button
You can swap any of them around as you like. One thing to note. If you're using a mouse button the code will have mouse at the beginning instead of key as shown below:
Mouse.LeftButton = XInput1.RightTrigger //Fire Weapon - RT Button
So, if you wanted to make the "A" button be the fire button you would change the code to look like this:
mouse.leftbutton = XInput1.A // - A Button
only modify the first part before the = sign to change the keys. If you have any questions feel free to ask
fps controller dz25 has the dead zone adjusted to 25 instead of 15 to try to solve any drifting problems if you have them